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SRU330 T R A N S F E R C O U R S E S *Y* XXXXXXX 000018235 000-00-XXXX STUDENT,J J __/__/__ __ 08/01/97 REVIEWED/COM SCHOOL: 4025-BLUE MOUNTAIN C C OR (2YR) ATTENDED FROM:1982 TO:1985 GPA: 2.30 TOTAL CREDITS:128.0 DEGREE EARNED:_________ COMMENT:__________________________________________________ PAGE 1 OF 3 ENTER D TO DELETE SCHOOL:_ NEW SCHOOL NO:___ COURSES TO DISPLAY:______ RECORDED: 5/13/98 BY: CSC4015 (A-ALL,M-ONLY MY DEPT,COURSE ABBR) ORIG DATE CURRIC COURSE CREDITS GRADE RE W Q C FL V I N DU GRADE CHANGED BY ACCTG 230 __ 3.0 4.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6/12/97 GRD1015 ART lXX __ O.O ___ _ _ _ _ _ V _ _ _ __ 5/13/98 CSC4015 ASTR lXX __ 5.0 CR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N _ __ 9/18/97 AST1050 ASTR 150 __ 5.0 4.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 9/18/97 AST1050 B A 2XX __ 4.0 CR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N _ __ 6/12/97 GRD1015 B A 2XX 01 1.0 4.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6/10/97 GRD1010 B A 2XX 02 1.0 ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N _ __ 6/12/97 GRD1015 BIOL 202 _ 5.0 CR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 5/19/97 GRD1010 CHEM 3XX _ 5.0 3.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6/l0/97 GRDl010 CSE lXX 01 5.0 CR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1/20/98 JKERBER Next Previous Action:
This screen is used by Data Services and Admissions to enter and update transfer credit. It is also used by advisers and DARs to update or correct transfer credit and flag degree requirements. Any transaction in the lower half of the screen is recorded with the date and user code. An Adviser Worksheet is automatically generated and mailed out by Data Services to the student.
SCHOOL: The four digit code is entered here and the school name will automatically display. Codes of 9998 and 9999 refer to old records when transfer credit from 2 year and 4 year schools were mixed together or schools that we don't have codes for.
GPA: the cumulative transfer GPA (calculated by Admissions Specialists) is entered here. This may not match the GPA on the transfer school's transcript (see catalog page 30 for differences in grading policies).
TOTAL CREDITS: total credits transferred in
DEGREE EARNED: Associate (AA) and baccalaureate degrees earned at other schools are posted here.
PAGE1 OF 3: Identifies the number of pages of transfer credit
ENTER D TO DELETE SCHOOL: Entering a D will wipe out record.
COURSES TO DISPLAY: (A=ALL,M=ONLY NY DEPT,COURSE ABBR). Advisers use this to display select courses.
RECORDED: Records date of last transaction in header information
BY: displays user ID of person who made last transaction in header Information
CURRIC: Curriculum title. If the transfer course does not fall under any UW curriculum area it will be noted as UW 1XX, UW 2XX etc.
COURSE: Course number. If the transfer course does not have a direct UW equivalency it will be noted as 1XX, 2XX etc. The number in front of the XX refers to course level.
CREDITS: Course Credit. Maybe a different number than UW credit. Determined by Admissions staff when evaluating transfer credit.
GRADE: Grades may not reflect the original transfer grade. Admissions staff assigns grade.
RE: Displays "R" if the course was repeated within transfer credit.
W: Displays "W" if course counts toward the Writing requirement.
Q: Displays "Q" if course counts toward the Quantitative/Symbolic Reading requirement
C: Displays "C" course counts toward English Composition requirement. FL: Displays "F" if course counts toward the Foreign Language Requirement.
V: Displays "V" if course counts toward VLPA (Visual, Literary and Performing Arts) requirement.
I: Displays "I" if the course counts toward I&S "Individuals and Society" requirement.
N: Displays "N" if the course counts toward the Natural World requirement.
DU: Displays a "D" if the course was a repeat between transfer credit and the UW.
ORIG GRADE: For Admissions Office use.
DATE CHANGED: Displays date last person update that line.
BY: Displays USER ID of last person who updated that line
ACTION: Used to scroll back and forth if the information is more than one page. N=Next will move to the next screen; P=Previous will move to previous screen