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SRU355 T R A N S C R I P T O R D E R E N T R Y *I* XXXXXXX 000018235 000-00-XXXX STUDENT,J J 11/11/11 __ MEMO ACTION: _ ORDER DATE: __/__/__ TIME: __:__:__ RECIPIENT : ______________________________ ADDRESS1 : ______________________________ ADDRESS2 : ______________________________ CITY : ______________________________ STATE : __ ZIP : _____ COPIES : __ TYPE (O,P,S,I,A;C,G): _ AMOUNT PAID: __.__ PRINT DATE: __/__/__ (SEE PRIOR RECORD FOR WORK COMMENCING AUTUMN QUARTER 1910) ENTER X TO ORDER DESPITE HOLDS: _ OFFICE DATE REASON REGISTRATION TRANSCRIPT SASSA10120 07/24/98 1619.25 YES YES
This screen is used to order individual transcripts online or in overnight batch processing.
ACTION: A to place a transcript order.
ORDER DATE: Leave blank. Date will display automatically.
ORDER TIME: Leave blank. Time will display automatically.
RECIPIENT: Enter user's initials in field to identify that the transcript is for you. Enter "S" if you want a student's name to automatically display.
ADDRESS: Address data is entered by Transcript Offices when mailing transcripts, otherwise leave blank.
COPIES: The number of copies of the student's transcript which are to be sent to the recipient.
Only one copy of a transcript can be ordered for printing online. Up to 10 copies can be ordered for printing in batch mode. If left blank, one copy will be ordered.
PRINT DATE: Leave blank if you are ordering an online copy. If you enter today's date, transcript will arrive in batch the following day. This usually is used by Transcript Office Staff only.
ENTER X TO ORDER DESPITE HOLDS: User needs to enter an X in this field to override the transcript hold.