SDB Screens

SRF390 - Degree Audit Section

Jump to instructions for this screen

                           D E G R E E   A U D I T
_______   __________  ___-__-____
STUDENT NAME:                                  BIRTHDATE:
_____________________________________________  __/__/__

Instructions for screen SRF390

The 390 screen is used by academic advisers/counselors to run or view an audit on a student's record to determine which graduation requirements for his/her major have been completed, which are in progress and which must still be completed. The adviser may generate the audit before or during an advising session, but the student may also request an audit via the DARS webpage or by filling out a request at the registration window.

When the user enters the student number and sends, the screen will be essentially blank unless an audit has been previously run.

                           D E G R E E   A U D I T                          *D*

XXXXXXX 000018235 000-00-XXXX                                     3/10/05 15:51
STUDENT,THE CAT                                 01/01/01
Major: 0-PRESCI-00-00
Minors: none
Program to audit: 0-PRESCI-00-00               UW Entrance quarter: WIN/1999
Summary or Detail (S/D): D                 Degree Program Entrance: WIN/2005





H Help  G Graduation Application (+Y)

F Find  A Audit  B Background  P Prior  N Next  Y print  X B+Y  Z A+Y  Action:F

Major: The student's current major appears here and is also the default entry in:

Program to audit. The adviser may generate an audit with the current major. By over-keying, s/he may substitute any other major to determine how the student's courses could be used in that program. (No pre-major category besides A&S is available for audit.)

Action: By changing the Action default (F) to A and pressing "send," the adviser generates an audit:

SDB Screen Index | SRF391

Screen last updated:June 25, 2009, 12:00 pm