SDB Screens

SRF391 - Major Entry Quarter Update

Jump to instructions for this screen

            M A J O R   E N T R Y   Q U A R T E R   U P D A T E         *D*
XXXXXXX 000018235 000-00-XXXX                                 9/25/98 14:32
STUDENT,J J                                     01/01/01

First quarter at the University of Washington: AUT/1991  OVERRIDE: ___/____

First quarter at any college: AUT/1991    OVERRIDE: ___/____
                NOTE: Default is first quarter at the UW.

1st Major: 0-ART-00-11    Major first declared: SUM/199  OVERRIDE: ___/____


H Help     R Return to Degree Audit (SRF390)                       Action:_

Instructions for screen SRF391

The adviser may override one or all three fields on this page when appropriate and press send to update. Again, an easy transfer of screens is available at the bottom.

SRF390 | SDB Screen Index

Screen last updated:June 25, 2009, 12:00 pm