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SRU512 R E T U R N I N G S T U D E N T A P P L I C A T I O N * * _______ _________ ___-__-____ / / : _____________________________________________ __/__/__ QTR/YR: ___/____ NO: _ OF ACTION: _ (A=ADD,C=CHG) FORMER NAME: ______________________________ LAST QTR/YR: / LAST SC TP: _ APPL TYPE: _ CAMPUS: _ E:_ STAT: __ CLASS:__ RES: _ ____________ MAJOR: _-_-______-__-__ NCR: _ _-_-______-__-__ APPL FEE: _ SEX: _ _-_-______-__-__ ETHNIC: ___ HISP: ___ O: _ LAST SCHL: ______ LAST TYPE: _ DATE: __/__ HOME ADDR: ____ MAIL CODES: ___ ___ ___ LOCAL ADDRESS: ______________________________ SAME AS PERM? (Y/N) _ / / ______________________________ LOCAL PHONE: (___) ___-____ LOCAL CITY: ______________________________ STATE: __ ZIP: _____-____ PERM ADDRESS: ______________________________ SAME AS LOCAL? (Y/N) _ / / ______________________________ PERM PHONE: (___) ___-____ PERM CITY: ______________________________ STATE: __ ZIP: _____-____ E-MAIL: __________________________________________________ DATE: SP:__ HR: _ FAC/STF: _ PROV: _ EOP: _ VETERAN: _ COND: _ ATHLETE: _ ALUM: _
This screen is used by the Registration Office to process returning student applications. The bolded fields are entered with data from an application and the data then shows on the SRF505 . This screen can be requested using a social security number, a system key number or a student ID number and is quarter and year specific. (A quarter and year need to be entered with the identifying number.) The application will now show as received for the quarter and year requested in the SDB.
Prior students must submit a returning application if they have stopped out for more than one quarter in a row (summer quarter is not included in this calculation).
Students who have completed their degree or want to attend summer quarter only also have their applications entered using this screen.
Other fields are changed as needed. The 'E' field is used if the student will be entering the Evening Degree program. Any change made in an address on this screen will be reflected on the 615 .
STAT: the status codes are listed on the page listing for SRF505 This field is filled in by the system once all the application data has been entered. Several bolded fields at the bottom of the field are only entered if needed or the data is known. Fields entered as needed are SP for special program; FAC/STF for faculty staff exemption; and, EOP for the equal opportunity program. Fields entered if known are PROV: for provisional; COND: for conditional; ATHLETE: or ALUM:. The provisional and conditional fields are usually determined at the time the student is first admitted as an undergraduate. Once the provisional or conditional requirements are met, the staff in the Undergraduate Admissions Office usually removes these flags from the system. If a provisional or conditional requirement has not yet been met, these fields will usually already have the prior data showing when a student's record is first retrieved and before new application data is entered.
SRU512 R E T U R N I N G S T U D E N T A P P L I C A T I O N 2.0001 1033346 000957073 900-00-0110 04/24/08 15:53 STUDENT,DARS TESTY 11/11/1111 * SEE PRIOR RECORD. * QTR/YR: AUT/2008 NO: 1 OF 1 ACTION: _ (A=ADD,C=CHG) FORMER NAME: ______________________________ ** NOT ADMITTED. ** LAST QTR/YR: AUT/2007 ** FROM APPLICATION. ** LAST SC TP: 00 NONE _ APPL TYPE: 6 UG RET ON LV CAMPUS: 0 Seattle E:N STAT: 10 OFFERED CLASS: 2 SOPHOMORE RES: 1 RESIDENT MAJOR: 0-J-E E -00-16 NCR: 2 FORMER STUD 0-A-ENVIR -00-11 APPL FEE: 1 PAID SEX: F FEMALE _-_-______-__-__ ETHNIC: 987 NOT IND HISP: 999 NOT IND O: _ LAST SCHL: 004854 UNIV OF WASH LAST TYPE: 3 DATE: 05/2006 HOME ADDR: 1984 SEATTLE MAIL CODES: NEW ___ ___ LOCAL ADDRESS: DARS OFFICE / BOX 355850 04/24/08 SEATTLE, WA 98195 LOCAL PHONE: (___) ___-____ PERM ADDRESS: DARS OFFICE / BOX 355850 SAME AS LOCAL? (Y/N) _ 04/24/08 SEATTLE, WA 98195 PERM PHONE: (___) ___-____ E-MAIL: __________________________________________________ DATE: SP: __ HR: 1 FAC/STF: _ PROV: _ EOP: _ VETERAN: 00 NON VETERAN COND: _ ATHLETE: _ ALUM: _