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SRU513 Q U I C K A D M I T A P P L I C A T I O N * * SSN: ___-__-____ APPL TYPE: _ ACTION: _ (A=ADD, C=CHG) / / : QTR/YR: ___/____ NO: _ OF STUDENT NO: _______ SYSTEM KEY: _________ NAME: _____________________________________________ BIRTHDATE: __/__/____ FORMER NAME: ______________________________ LAST QTR/YR: / CAMPUS: _ CLASS:__ GPA: _.__ EVENING: _ MAJOR: _-_-______-__-__ _-_-______-__-__ _-_-______-__-__ O: _ NCR: _ RES: _ MAIL CODES: ___ ___ ___ SEX: _ APPL FEE: _ FORGN TYPE: _ VET: _ HNRS: _ FAC/STF: _ ETHNIC:___ HISPANIC:___ SPECIAL PGM: __ LAST SCHL: ______ L S DATE: __/____ L S TYP: _ HOME ADDR CODE: ____ HOME CITY: ____________________ HOME STATE: __ PERM ADDRESS: ______________________________ / / : ______________________________ PERM PHONE: (___) ___-____ PERM CITY: ______________________________ STATE: __ ZIP: _____-____ COUNTRY: ________________________________________ POSTAL CD: __________ EMAIL: __________________________________________________ DT:
This screen is used primarily by the Seattle Registration Office as a quick way to process summer only non-matriculated applicants who have never attended the University as a previous student and do not have a student record in the SDB. The SPECIAL PROGRAM CODE of 85 is used to indicate this special status for non-matriculated students during summer quarter. The only walk-on, non-matriculated students processed other quarters on the Seattle campus are state or staff employees. Their special program codes are 59 and 60 respectively. One feature of this screen is the student is issued a student number as soon as the application is processed and they are able to begin registering for classes immediately.
Like the other application screens, if a field needs a 'Y' entry, it is entered, otherwise the field is left blank.