SDB Screens

SRF606 - Sport Code Update

Jump to instructions for this screen

S P O R T   C O D E   U P D A T E                                           *B*
XXXXXXX 000239119 XXX-96-XXXX
HUSKY,HARRY                    __/__/__ __
                    SPORT CODES:  67 INACTIVE TENNIS
                                  97 RECN NO A AID

Instructions for screen SRF606

This screen shows a student who used to be a tennis athlete and that he did not receive financial aid or a scholarship. If a code is listed on the screen, the sport related to it will show. The complete list of sport codes are found in the Code Manual.

SRF605 | SDB Screen Index | SRF607

Screen last updated:June 25, 2009, 12:00 pm