Division of Nuclear Medicine


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Numbers in parentheses link to refering footnotes in user guide.

  1.  Daube-Witherspoon ME and Muehllehner G
    Treatment of axial data in three-dimensional PET
    J. Nucl Med. 28, 1717-1724, 1987 [abstract from NLM]

  2. Zerby CD
    Response of Gamma-Ray Scintillation Counters
    in "Methods of Computational Physics, Vol 1", Academic Press, NY, pp 89-134

  3. Haynor DR, Harrison RL, Lewellen TK, Bice AN, Anson CP, Gillispie SB, Miyaoka RS, Pollard KR, Zhu JB.
    Improving the efficiency of emission tomography simulations using variance reduction techniques.
    IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci. 37(2):749-53, 1990.

  4. Kinahan PE and Rogers JG
    Analytic 3D Image Reconstruction Using All Detected Events
    IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 36(1): 964-968, 1990

  5. Tsui BM and Gullberg GT
    The geometric transfer function for cone and fan beam collimators
    Phys. Med. Biol. 35(1):81-93, 1990 [abstract from NLM]

  6. Haynor DR, Harrison RL, and Lewellen TK
    The Use Of Importance Sampling Techniques To Improve The Efficiency Of Photon Tracking In Emission Tomography Simulations
    Med. Phys. 18(5):990-1001, 1991 [abstract from NLM]

  7. Thompson CJ, Moreno-Cantu J, and Picard Y
    PETSIM: Monte Carlo Simulation of all Sensitivity and Resolution Parameters of Positron Imaging Systems.
    Phys. Med. Biol. 37(3):731-49, 1992 [abstract from NLM]

  8. Harrison RL, Haynor DR, Gillispie SB, Vannoy SD, Kaplan MS, Lewellen TK.
    A public-domain simulation system for emission tomography: photon tracking through heterogeneous attenuation using importance sampling.
    J. Nucl. Med. 34(5):60P, 1993

  9. Harrison RL, Vannoy SD, Haynor DR, Gillispie SB, Kaplan MS, and Lewellen TK.
    Preliminary Experience with the Photon History Generator Module of a Public-Domain Simulation System for Emission Tomography.
    Conf. Rec. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., pp 1154-1158, 1993.

  10. Lewitt RM, Muehllehner G and Karp JS
    Three-dimensional image reconstruction for PET by multi-slice rebinning and axial image filtering
    Phys. Med. Biol. 39(3):321-339, 1994

  11. Zubal IG, Harrell CR, Smith EO, Rattner Z, Gindi G and Hoffer PB
    Computerized 3-Dimensional Segmented Human Anatomy
    Med. Phys. 21(2): 299-302, 1994 [abstract from NLM]

  12. Kaplan M.S., Harrison R.L. and Vannoy S.D.
    Coherent scatter implementation for SimSET
    IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 45(6):3064-3068, 1998

  13. MacDonald L.R., Schmitz R.E., Alessio A.M., Wollenweber S.D., Stearns C.W., Ganin A., Harrison R.L., Lewellen T.K.and Kinahan P.E.
    Measured count-rate performance of the Discovery STE PET/CT scanner in 2D, 3D and partial collimation acquisition modes
    Phys. Med. Biol. 53:3723­3738, 2008

  14. Stearns C W, McDaniel D L, Kohlmyer S G, Arul P R, Geiser B P and Shanmugam V
    Random coincidence estimation from single event rates on the discovery ST PET/CT scanner
    Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symp./Medical Imaging Conf. 5:3067­3069, 2003




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Last revised by: Robert Harrison
Revision date: 17 Apr 2009