Division of Nuclear Medicine

User Group


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  1. User group overview
  2. Meetings
  3. Requests for User Input


User Group Overview

The purpose of the user group is to facilitate research using the UW Imaging Research Laboratory's computational simulation programs SimSET and ASIM. The group's goals are:
- To solicit user feedback on new simulation features and research directions
- To increase awareness and usage of the SimSET and ASIM programs
- To foster collaborations for further development


The first user group meeting was held October 26, 2011 at the 2011 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference in Valencia, Spain. We will continue to hold annual user meetings at future Medical Imaging Conferences, and are open to holding meetings at other venues when appropriate.

Materials from the 2011 Users Meeting:

ASIM History and Future
ASIM Overview
SimSET Recently Added Features
SimSET User Functions
SimSET Future Plans

Requests for User Input

Please consider contributing software to the SimSET and/or ASIM codebase.

[top of page]


Last revised by: Robert Harrison
Revision date: November 9, 2011