Division of Nuclear Medicine


A. Scatter fraction in 99mTc SPECT imaging

B. Using MatLab scripts to define block detector parameter files  

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A. Scatter fraction in 99mTc SPECT imaging


  1. Problem statement and strategy
  2. Creating the PHG and binning parameter files
  3. Creating the activity and attenuation objects
  4. Running the PHG
  5. Analyzing the data



This appendix contains a complete example of how to use the PHG from beginning to end. It illustrates the details of creating the input files, running the simulation, and analyzing the data. The simulation is of a simple phantom. Importance sampling is not used.


We want to perform a SPECT simulation of a simple chest phantom with heterogeneous attenuation and examine the resulting primary and scatter (with Energy > 110 keV) distributions.


  1. Set up simulation by defining the object, a right elliptical cylinder (torso) containing cylindrical lungs, cylindrical spine, and a spherical heart using the Object Editor. Note that a more anatomically correct simulation could be performed using one or more slices from the numerical phantom of Zubal, et al.
  2. Use the bin-on-the-fly feature of the PHG to produce energy-gated sinograms of primary photons and separately, of photons which have scattered at least once.
  3. Use standard reconstruction software (such as Donner RECLBL) to reconstruct the corresponding images.
  4. Use standard image processing software (such as DIP Station®) to view the scatter and primary images (scatter fraction).


[top of page]


Creating the input files:

  1. tutor1.phg_param (text file)-- specifies run-time parameters for the PHG, along with pathnames to relevant input and output files, etc.

  2. The format of our object was described above. We decided to represent the object in twelve axial slices, each 4cm in length with a radius of 32cm. We chose to voxelize the space into 128 by 128. The target cylinder was 8cm long with a radius of 36cm.

    Note that we used default values for all of the input tables specified at the end of the table.

  3. tutor1.bin_param (text file)-- specifies binning parameters for binning "on-the-fly", along with relevant pathnames.


    [top of page]


Creating the Object:

The following section is a screen dump from the Object Editor session used to create the simulation object.


prompt% makeindexfile tutor1.phg_param

Build indexes for tutor1.act_index (Yes..No) [Yes]: <return>
Would you like to fill the entire object with a single value?
(Yes..No) [Yes]: <return>

Enter fill value for object (0..255): 0

Would you like to fill the entire object from a single data file?
(Yes..No) [No]: <return>
Would you like to initialize specific slice values?
(Yes..No) [No]:<return>
Would you like to create an 'object'? (Yes..No) [Yes]:<return>
Select a type (cylinder,sphere,voxel) [cylinder]:<return>


Please select a center point for the cylinder
Enter x-axis coordinate : 0
Enter y-axis coordinate : 0
Enter z-axis coordinate : 0
Enter length along z-axis : 48
Enter x-axis radius : 24
Enter y-axis radius : 16

Enter fill value for object (0..255): 10


Filled 58080 voxels.
Would you like to create another 'object'? (Yes..No) [No]: y
Select a type (cylinder,sphere,voxel) [cylinder]:<return>


Please select a center point for the cylinder
Enter x-axis coordinate : 12
Enter y-axis coordinate : 0
Enter z-axis coordinate : 0
Enter length along z-axis : 40
Enter x-axis radius : 6
Enter y-axis radius : 6

Enter fill value for object (0..255): 0


Filled 4480 voxels.
Would you like to create another 'object'? (Yes..No) [No]: y
Select a type (cylinder,sphere,voxel) [cylinder]:<return>


Please select a center point for the cylinder
Enter x-axis coordinate : -12
Enter y-axis coordinate : 0
Enter z-axis coordinate : 0
Enter length along z-axis : 40
Enter x-axis radius : 6
Enter y-axis radius : 6

Enter fill value for object (0..255): 0


Filled 4480 voxels.
Would you like to create another 'object'? (Yes..No) [No]: y
Select a type (cylinder,sphere,voxel) [cylinder]:<return>


Please select a center point for the cylinder
Enter x-axis coordinate : 0
Enter y-axis coordinate : -12
Enter z-axis coordinate : 0
Enter length along z-axis : 48
Enter x-axis radius : 3
Enter y-axis radius : 3

Enter fill value for object (0..255): 0


Filled 1344 voxels.
Would you like to create another 'object'? (Yes..No) [No]: y
Select a type (cylinder,sphere,voxel) [cylinder]: sphere


Please select a center point for the sphere
Enter x-axis coordinate : 4
Enter y-axis coordinate : 4
Enter z-axis coordinate : 0
Enter radius : 5

Enter fill value for object (0..255): 50


Filled 512 voxels.
Would you like to create another 'object'? (Yes..No) [No]: y
Select a type (cylinder,sphere,voxel) [sphere]:<return>


Please select a center point for the sphere
Enter x-axis coordinate : 5
Enter y-axis coordinate : 4
Enter z-axis coordinate : 0
Enter radius : 3

Enter fill value for object (0..255): 10


Filled 120 voxels.
Would you like to create another 'object'? (Yes..No) [No]: n

Build indexes for tutor1.att_index (Yes..No) [Yes]:<return>
Would you like to fill the entire object with a single value?
(Yes..No) [Yes]:<return>

Enter fill value for object (0..255): 0

Would you like to fill the entire object from a single data file?
(Yes..No) [No]:<return>
Would you like to initialize specific slice values?
(Yes..No) [No]:<return>
Would you like to create an 'object'? (Yes..No) [Yes]:<return>
Select a type (cylinder,sphere,voxel) [cylinder]:<return>


Please select a center point for the cylinder
Enter x-axis coordinate : 0
Enter y-axis coordinate : 0
Enter z-axis coordinate : 0
Enter length along z-axis : 48
Enter x-axis radius : 24
Enter y-axis radius : 16

Enter fill value for object (0..255): 2


Filled 58080 voxels.
Would you like to create another 'object'? (Yes..No) [No]: y
Select a type (cylinder,sphere,voxel) [cylinder]:<return>


Please select a center point for the cylinder
Enter x-axis coordinate : 12
Enter y-axis coordinate : 0
Enter z-axis coordinate : 0
Enter length along z-axis : 40
Enter x-axis radius : 6
Enter y-axis radius : 6

Enter fill value for object (0..255): 6


Filled 4480 voxels.
Would you like to create another 'object'? (Yes..No) [No]: y
Select a type (cylinder,sphere,voxel) [cylinder]:<return>


Please select a center point for the cylinder
Enter x-axis coordinate : -12
Enter y-axis coordinate : 0
Enter z-axis coordinate : 0
Enter length along z-axis : 40
Enter x-axis radius : 6
Enter y-axis radius : 6

Enter fill value for object (0..255): 6


Filled 4480 voxels.
Would you like to create another 'object'? (Yes..No) [No]: y
Select a type (cylinder,sphere,voxel) [cylinder]:<return>


Please select a center point for the cylinder
Enter x-axis coordinate : 12
Enter y-axis coordinate : 0
Enter z-axis coordinate : 0
Enter length along z-axis : 40
Enter x-axis radius : 6
Enter y-axis radius : 6

Enter fill value for object (0..255): 6


Filled 4480 voxels.
Would you like to create another 'object'? (Yes..No) [No]: y
Select a type (cylinder,sphere,voxel) [cylinder]:<return>


Please select a center point for the cylinder
Enter x-axis coordinate : 0
Enter y-axis coordinate : -12
Enter z-axis coordinate : 0
Enter length along z-axis : 48
Enter x-axis radius : 3
Enter y-axis radius : 3

Enter fill value for object (0..255): 3


Filled 1344 voxels.
Would you like to create another 'object'? (Yes..No) [No]: y
Select a type (cylinder,sphere,voxel) [cylinder]: sphere


Please select a center point for the sphere
Enter x-axis coordinate : 4
Enter y-axis coordinate : 4
Enter z-axis coordinate : 0
Enter radius : 5

Enter fill value for object (0..255): 5


Filled 512 voxels.
Would you like to create another 'object'? (Yes..No) [No]: y
Select a type (cylinder,sphere,voxel) [sphere]:<return>


Please select a center point for the sphere
Enter x-axis coordinate : 5
Enter y-axis coordinate : 4
Enter z-axis coordinate : 0
Enter radius : 3

Enter fill value for object (0..255): 2


Filled 120 voxels.
Would you like to create another 'object'? (Yes..No) [No]:<return>


The object creation is complete.


Example A7.1


The figures below are the central slices of our objects:


Figure A7.1: The central slices of the the attenuation and activity objects.

[top of page]


Running the PHG:

The following displays the output from running the PHG for this simulation.


prompt% phg tutor1.phg_param

Command line: phg tutor1.phg_param

  • Execution of phg occurred on 03 22 1994 (12:34:52 PM)

    Simulating SPECT.

    Stratification is off.

    Forced Detection is off.

    Forced non-absorption is on.

    Acceptance angle is (+/-) 5.0 degrees.

    Sine of acceptance angle is 0.087.

    Photon energy is 140.5 keV.

    Number of decays to simulate = 100000000.

    Decay time = 60 seconds.

    History file is not being created.

    Positron range is not being modeled.

    Acollinearity is not being modeled.

    Minimum energy threshold is 110.0

    Binning is being done.

    Debugging is OFF.

    Voxel as point source is off.

    Random seed is 0.


    ***************** Simulation Beginning *************

    ***************** Simulation Finished *************



    Real time for calculating time bin decays = 285.9 seconds.

    Real time for tracking photons = 81882.1 seconds.

    Total CPU time for calculating time bin decays = 12.0 seconds.

    Total CPU time for tracking photons = 73759.0. seconds

    CPU time for simulation = 73771.0.

    PHG Simulation Succeeded!

    ***************** Processing Binning Data *************

    Total photons in history list = 392893.

    Total accepted photons = 295942.

    Sum of accepted weights = 3.23e+09.

    Sum of accepted squared weights = 3.52e+13.

    Quality factor = 1.00e+00.


    ***************** Finished Processing Binning Data *************


    Execution of PHG terminated on 03 23 1994 (11:35:56 AM) 

  • prompt%

    [top of page]


    Analyzing the data:

    The following figures illustrate the sinograms and reconstructed images for the primaries and scattered photons. Note that the reconstructed images have not been attenuation corrected. Reconstructions were performed filtered backprojection with a Hann filter.


    Figure A7.2 - Primary Sinogram and Scatter Sinogram


    Figure A7.3 - Primary Image and Scatter Image


    B. Using MatLab scripts to define block detector parameter files


    1. Problem statement and strategy
    2. Creating block parameter files
    3. Example: block parameter files
    4. Creating ring parameter files
    5. Example: ring parameter file



    Some of the text parameter files used to define tomographs based on block detectors are very large and repetitive. In particular, the ring and block parameter files would be very difficult to type in by hand. We have created some MatLab scripts to subtantially reduce some of the repetitive text entry.

    [top of page]


    Defining a block parameter file

    A block detector can be split into layers radially. Each layer can be subdivided into rectangular elements with boundaries parallel to the transaxial and axial faces of the block; these boundaries run through the entire layer, as shown in figure 12 of the block detector section. A text parameter file defines the block dimensions, layer thicknesses, the boundaries within the layers, and the materials for each element. We currently provide two MatLab scripts to help create these files, define_regular_block.m and define_block.m (both text files). define_regular_block.m is simpler to use, but defines only a limited subset of possible blocks: it creates blocks with a regular array of crystals as one layer, and allows one or two solid layers of inactive (e.g., non-scintillating) material in front of and behind the crystal layer to represent crystal wrap and/or detector block housing. The crystal layer can also include crystal wrap and detector block housing (see Figure B1 below). define_block.m allows complete freedom in the block definition, but requires considerably more user input. Both define_regular_block.m and define_block.m use a function called blk_gen.m to write the block parameter file: a user wishing to create a number of blocks with similar characteristics may find it more convenient to write their own MatLab program calling this sub-function.



    Figure B1 - Regular block format definable in define_regular_block.m. The blocks can be up to five radial layers, with one or two layers of detector block housing and/or crystal wrap in front of and behind the crystal layer. The crystal layer can also have housing and wrap or other material between the crystals. The crystals have identical dimensions and consist of the same material.

    [top of page]

    Example: block parameter file

    Below we show an example using define_regular_block.m in MatLab to create a block parameter file for the block shown in Figure B2.


    Figure B2 - Diagram of block described in example block parameters file. The block is housed in 0.1 cm aluminum front and sides and a 0.5 cm thick slab of polycarbonate is placed on the back to represent a light guide/optical fibers. The detector crystals are 0.4 cm X 0.65 cm X 1.5 cm of BGO. The sides of the detector crystals are wrapped with 0.5 cm polystyrene.

    The prompts and other text written by define_regular_block.m are shown in plain text, user responses in bold face.

    >> block_input = define_regular_block()

    Creating a detector block parameter file for SimSET.

    This program creates regular scintillator arrays with
    block housing and crystal wrapping as the only additional
    options. Another program, define_block.m, allows for more
    general arrays. See the website for more info.

    Please enter the file name for the block parameters: tutor_B.blkpar
    Please enter the following information for the header.
    Author name: R Harrison
    Enter comment -
    terminate with 2 consecutive carriage returns:
    Block parameter file for the block shown in Figure B2
    of the tutorials on the SimSET website

    Now define the block geometry and materials.

    How many scintillator elements (e.g. crystals) are there

    in the transaxial (y) direction: 3
    in the axial (z) direction: 2

    What are the dimensions of these elements in the

    in the radial (x) direction (cm): 1.5
    in the transaxial (y) direction (cm): 0.4
    in the axial (z) direction (cm): 0.65

    The transaxial and axial sides of the scintillator elements
    can have a layer of wrapping.(e.g., paint or tape).

    Are these elements wrapped? (y/n) [y]:
    How thick is the wrap (note this will be doubled between crystals) (cm)? 0.05
    There can be housing material on the transaxial and axial
    sides of the scintillator block.
    Is there housing material on these sides? (y/n) [y]:
    How thick is the housing on the axial and transaxial sides (cm)? 0.1

    Radially there can be up to two layers of uniform material in front of
    and behind the scintillator array (e.g. module housing).

    How many layers of material are there before the scintillator (0, 1, or 2)? 1
    How thick is radial layer 1 (cm)? 0.1
    How many layers of material are there after the scintillator (0, 1, or 2)? 1
    How thick is radial layer 1 (cm)? 0.5

    Now define the materials used.

    Default material indices from phg.data/phg_att_table:

    air   0   con_tissue   15
    water   1   copper   16
    blood   2   perfect_absorber   17
    bone   3   LSO   18
    brain   4   GSO   19
    heart   5   aluminum   20
    lung   6   tungsten   21
    muscle   7   liver   22
    lead   8   fat   23
    NaI   9   LaBr3   24
    BGO   10   polycarbonateLowVisc   25
    iron   11   polyethyleneNEMA   26
    graphite   12   polymethylMethacryl   27
    tin   13   polystyreneFibers   28
    GI_tract   14

    When using the default phg_att_table, you can use these material
    indices to answer the following. If, however, you are using a
    custom table you should use the indices appropriate to that table.
    What is the scintillator material: 10
    What is the wrap material: 28
    What is the housing material on the axial and transaxial sides: 20
    What is the material for the first radial layer in front of the scintillator: 20
    What is the material for the first radial layer behind the scintillator: 25

    block_input =

    [1x1 struct] [1x1 struct]


    This process created the block parameter file tutor_B.blkpar.

    For extremely simple blocks, in particular those consisting of only one element, it may be easier to create the block parameter file in a text editor. We give an example of a lead septa parameter file in tutor_B_septa.blkpar for a lead septa 0.2 cm thick and 1.5 cm long. This parameter file and tutor_B.blkpar (the parameter file defined above) are used to create a sample ring parameter file below in the section Example: ring parameter file.

    [top of page]


    Defining a ring parameter file

    A ring parameter file gives an arrangement of detector blocks like those defined above. A ring can have many different types of blocks though all the blocks in the ring must have the same axial extent as the ring (e.g., Figure B3 in the follwoing section).

    Ring parameter files, like block parameter files, can be extremely long and repetitive. We currently provide a MatLab script to help create them, define_ring.m (text file). define_ring.m uses a function called ring_gen.m to write the ring parameter file: a user wishing to create a number of rings with similar characteristics may find it more convenient to write their own MatLab program calling this sub-function.

    [top of page]


    Example: ring parameter file

    Below we show an example using define_ring.m to create a ring parameter file with the blocks defined above (in Example: block parameter files). The ring we are defining is shown in Figure B3.


    Figure B3 - Diagram of ring described in example ring parameters file. Eight scintillator blocks are arranged in a square. The distance from the origin to the tomograph axis of a block (the center of the front face) is 1.9007cm. Adjacent blocks are rotated +/-26.565° (positive angles correspond to counterclockwise rotations from perpendicular to the radius vector). Septa are placed between the paired detector blocks at a radius of 2.6 cm.

    The prompts and other text written by define_ring.m are shown in plain text, user responses in bold face .

    >> ring_input = define_ring()

    Creating a detector ring parameter file for SimSET.

    This program fills one ring with block detectors,
    prompting the user for the block filenames and positioning
    information for each series of blocks.
    See the website for more info.

    Please enter the file name for the ring parameters: tutor_B.rngpar
    Please enter the following information for the header.
    Author name: R Harrison
    Enter comment -
    terminate with 2 consecutive carriage returns:
    Ring parameter file for the ring shown in Figure B3
    of the tutorials on the SimSET website

    Define the outer bounds of the ring: the minimum and maximum
    axial values in the ring; the radius of a cylinder separating
    the detectors from the collimator or object (the inner radius of the the
    detector system); and the radius of cylinder that lies entirely
    outside the detector system (the outer radius, separating the
    tomograph from the rest of the universe).

    Radial extent of ring.
    Radius of a cylinder separating the detectors from the collimator (cm): 1.7
    Radius of a cylinder separating the detectors from the universe (cm): 4.17

    Axial extent of ring: this is not the final axial position of the ring.
    Multiple copies of the ring can be given different axial shifts in
    the detector parameter file.

    Minimum axial extent of the ring (cm): -.85
    Maximum axial extent of the ring (cm): .85

    Now specify the blocks in the ring. The program will prompt
    you for a block parameter file, then ask you how many of
    this block type are in the ring and how to place them. This
    will be repeated until you have no more blocks you wish to
    include in the ring.

    Enter the data for block type 1

    Enter file name the block parameters: tutor_B.blkpar
    Radius at which to place the blocks (cm): 1.9007
    Axial position of blocks relative to the ring (cm): 0
    How many of this block type? 8

    Angular position (azimuth) for first block (degrees): 26.565
    Are the rest of this block type evenly distributed around the ring? (y/n) [y]: n
    Angular position for next block (degrees): 63.435
    Angular position for next block (degrees): 116.565
    Angular position for next block (degrees): 153.435
    Angular position for next block (degrees): 206.565
    Angular position for next block (degrees): 243.435
    Angular position for next block (degrees): 296.565
    Angular position for next block (degrees): -26.565

    The blocks can be rotated in the transaxial plane. A rotation
    of 0 degrees will position the block with its front face tangent
    to the cylinder at the radius given above. A poistive value
    will rotate the block counterclockwise, a negative value clockwise.

    Angular tilt for first block (degrees): -26.565
    Do the rest of this block type have this same tilt? (y/n) [y]: n
    Tilt for next block (degrees): 26.565
    Tilt for next block (degrees): -26.565
    Tilt for next block (degrees): 26.565
    Tilt for next block (degrees): -26.565
    Tilt for next block (degrees): 26.565
    Tilt for next block (degrees): -26.565
    Tilt for next block (degrees): 26.565

    Add more blocks to the ring? (y/n) [y]: y

    Enter the data for block type 2

    Enter file name the block parameters: tutor_B_septa.blkpar
    Radius at which to place the blocks (cm): 2.6
    Axial position of blocks relative to the ring (cm): 0
    How many of this block type? 4

    Angular position (azimuth) for first block (degrees): 45
    Are the rest of this block type evenly distributed around the ring? (y/n) [y]:

    The blocks can be rotated in the transaxial plane. A rotation
    of 0 degrees will position the block with its front face tangent
    to the cylinder at the radius given above. A poistive value
    will rotate the block counterclockwise, a negative value clockwise.

    Angular tilt for first block (degrees): 0
    Do the rest of this block type have this same tilt? (y/n) [y]:

    Add more blocks to the ring? (y/n) [y]: n

    Ring parameter file generation complete.

    ring_input =

    [1x1 struct] [1x1 struct] [1x2 struct]


    This process created the block parameter file tutor_B.rngpar.

    [top of page]


    Last revised by: Robert Harrison
    Revision date: April 26 2011