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Autumn 2011 - Winter 2012

Director's Notes

Director Christopher Ozubko; photo by Doug ManelskiWelcome to our third edition of the School of Art eBlast newsletter. This has been a tremendous vehicle for communicating past, current, and future information to our students, parents, donors, alumni, and friends. I am happy to say that our eBlasts have one of the highest reader rates in the College of Arts & Sciences. Thank you! Read Ozubko's full message.

A Trio of Artistic Trajectories

Jonas Wood in his studioWhat happens to our Art Division alumni after they graduate? We decided to find out by looking at the careers of three alumni who graduated in the first half of the last decade: Jonas Wood (MFA 2002), Isaac Layman (BFA 2003), and Tim Roda (MFA 2004). While there are some similarities in their paths, each has its own unique arc. Read article.

Mad About Art

Art 496 class field trip; photo by Akiko MaskerA School of Art summer class with the generic title of "ART 496 - Art Internship" has developed into an unparalleled learning experience for undergraduate students. Taught by Judi Clark, Director of Academic Advising and Student Services, and Kris Anderson, Director of the Jacob Lawrence Gallery, the class partnered this summer with MadArt. Alison Milliman (BA 1984) leads that organization; she is a member of the School of Art's Advisory Board and recently completed a term on the UW Foundation Board. Read article.

The Ties That Bind

Shweta Grampurohit MFA installation; photo by James DavidsonHow do two public health researchers become strong supporters of the School of Art? In less than a decade, Linda LeResche and Michael Von Korff have gone from knowing nothing about the School of Art to supporting graduate students in Interaction Design (IxD) and becoming members of the School's Advisory Board. Read article.

New Blood

Drop of blood from Vampire Diaries wikiTough economic times usually mean that a UW department cannot hire new faculty. The School of Art, however, was able to justify the need and get approval for two faculty positions. Ivan Drpić has just joined the Art History Division, and Tad Hirsch is a new addition to the Design Division. The School's faculty is very happy about having these colleagues join their ranks. Read article.


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