A great many STSS visitors come to the UW campus each year, and a number of discussion groups meet regularly, sponsored by SSNet members’ home departments and by working groups in related areas. If you have information about any event that might be of interest to SSNet members, be sure to send us the information so we can post the date and details on our calendar, or send a notice directly to the SSNet email list:
SSNet events drop-box
SSNet contact email: ssnet@uw.edu
SSNet distribution list: ssnet_list@uw.edu
Biological Futures in a Globalized World (BFGW) is a two-year (2011-2013) program of research and teaching projects hosted by the Simpson Center for the Humanities in partnership with the Center for Biological Futures (CBF) at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the Program on Values in Society (POV) at the University of Washington.
Biosecurities, Reterritorializations, and Para-Human Populations
BFGW is facilitating a year-long initiative to rethink the conceptual foundations for inquiry in contemporary vital politics. The initiative takes a cue from Michel Foucault’s 1978-79 lectures at the College de France Security, Territory, Population, in which he first thought out the basic elements of what he had come to call biopolitics. In that spirit, this initiative seeks to rethink the meanings and significance of biosecurity, reterritorialization, and para-human populations within the shifting rationalities of contemporary politics, testing their usefulness for ongoing inquiry. For more information, visit here.
- Philosophy of Science
- History of Science
- FOSEP: Forum on Science, Ethics, and Policy