Statistical Genetics at the University of Washington

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The Statistical Genetics Faculty
(Newly revised and expanded: June 2007)

List of past faculty

Faculty Visitors Statistical Genetics

  • Toshihide Kitakado, Biostatistics
  • List of past visitors

    Post-docs and Research Associates in Statistical Genetics

  • Tushar Bhangale: FHCRC, 2007-
  • Nicola Chapman: Medical Genetics, 2001-
  • Indika Rajapakse: FHCRC, 2006-
  • Fred Boehn: Biostatistics, 2007-
  • Elizabeth Marchani: Medical Genetics, 2008-
  • List of past postdocs

     Including the three who have just moved on to new positions, Fall, 2007 -- Many congratulations to them.


    Contact Elizabeth Thompson with comments.


    Last updated: Sunday, 08-Jun-2008 22:12:41 PDT