Statistical Genetics at the University of Washington

Related research and programs at UW

StatGen Faculty MathBio at UW StatGen Elsewhere
Info for Students Curriculum Resources
Computing (UW NetID Required) Program documents
This page in progress of updating!!!!
We will add links to numerous UW programs related to Statgen, and also additional research lab links.

Related graduate training programs at UW

The University of Washington offers many diverse opportunities for graduate study in areas related to statistical genetics. Note that most of the following are not independent programs, but are initiatives within established programs


Related research

The University of Washington offers many diverse opportunities for research in areas related to statistical genetics.
Among others, research is currently being done by the following groups:
Additionally, check out the research links of participating faculty in




Contact Elizabeth Thompson with comments.


Last updated: Tuesday, 30-Sep-2003 19:27:22 PDT