Statistical Genetics at the University of Washington

Information for and about students

Applying for study| Current students| Alumni

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If you are interested in applying for graduate study in statistical genetics:

Students interested in graduate study in Statistical Genetics should apply directly to the Statistics or Biostatistics department in the usual way. At the University of Washington, these two departments maintain a close partnership in their graduate programs, and the Statistical Genetics curriculum is a joint endeavor.

Students should apply to whichever department they feel is most generally suited to their interests and should specify clearly an interest in Statistical Genetics. This specification is not binding! You are welcome to specify a tentative or possible interest.

Additionally, applicants may send a brief email to Elizabeth Thompson (Statistics) or Bruce Weir (Biostatistics) to insure their files will be followed up by the Statistical Genetics faculty. Also, talk to our current students!!

There are funding opportunities for graduate students in Statistical Genetics through two NIH-funded UW training grants.

We also maintain a close partnership with the interdepartmental Program in Computational Molecular Biology. Both StatGen and Computational Molecular Biology students are supported on the UW Genome Training Grant.

Information about Faculty

Do not believe the CVs maintained at often linked to by UW pages. Seek information about faculty from their own web pages. Of course, if they wish, they may refer you to their page.

Current Students in Statistical Genetics

The following is our current list; it may not be up-to-date or accurate! Student email addresses and/or web pages can be found through their department web page or through the University of Washington web page. For additions, deletions, and ammendments, please email Elizabeth Thompson

The following students are working on Ph.D. theses in the Statistical Genetics Ph.D. pathways in Statistics or Biostatistics.

  • Yanming Di: Statistics, Thesis adviser: Elizabeth Thompson
  • Audrey Fu: Statistics, Thesis adviser: Matthew Stephens
  • Elisabeth Rosenthal: Biostatistics; Adviser Ellen Wijsman

The following students are working on Ph.D. theses in various areas of Statistical Genetics

  • Sinjian Grace Ge: Biostatistics. Adviser Elizabeth Thompson

The following students have completed (or almost) the core curriculum and are starting to formulate their research topics:

  • Yoonha Choi: Biostatistics
  • Joan Zhao: Biostatistics
  • The following students are in the Certificate program:

  • Britton Trabert: Epidemiology
  • Imran Rashid : Computer Science
  • Serge Sverdlov: Statistics
  • The following students are interested in Statistical Genetics, and have taken a substantial part of the StatGen curriculum:

  • Diana Fisher Biostatistics
  • Charla Lambert Genome Sciences
  • Brandon Pierce Public Health Genetics
  • Rori Rohlfs Genome Sciences; StatGen Adviser: Bruce Weir

    UW Statistical Genetics Ph.D. Alumni

    Statistical Genetics Certificate Program Alumni



    Contact Elizabeth Thompson with comments.


    Last updated: Saturday, 29-Dec-2007 15:16:48 PST