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• February 25, 2003 - BBC News
Health campaigners from the US have asked that the US withdraw from negotiations regarding an international anti-tobacco treaty.

• February 25, 2003 - ABC News
Corrected statistics from Columbia University show that underage drinkers make up one fifth of all US alcohol consumption. "These analyses show that it is not in the alcohol industry's financial interest to voluntarily enact strategies to reduce underage or adult excessive drinking," the researchers said.

• February 25, 2003 - University of San Diego / Tobacco.org
While not exactly news per se, two tobacco timelines detailing the fight against tobacco have recently been brought to our attention. One is from the University of San Diego, and the other is from Tobacco.org.

• February 25, 2003 - CommercialAlert.org
Commercial Alert has released a press release asking the nations largest hospitals to not carry a new channel from GE called "Patient Channel". Doctors are outraged because the "Patient Channel" will run drug advertisements in hospitals, to people that are sick or in need of medicine.

• February 24, 2003 -
A new study has found that kids that are heavily pressured to achieve or get into a good school are more likely to abuse substances. What's more, these results were from 6th and 7th graders. There is also a version for parents.

• February 20, 2003 - Child Trends Databank
A new study shows that students in the 10th and 12th grades are less likely to date at all than a decade ago and to date less frequently.

• February 19, 2003 -
The World Health Organization has set out to make a "world health treaty", to limit both the supply and demand of cigarettes.

• February 18, 2003 - Stay Free Magazine
We have heard about reality television, but now retailers are using reality advertising for their Valentine's Day promotions.

• February 18, 2003 - The Guardian
Students in the UK are being paid to wear corporate logos on their foreheads.

• February 13, 2003 - BBC News
The UK has instituted a ban on all tobacco advertisements. The ban outlaws ads in magazines, newspapers and on billboards.

• February 10, 2003 - Newsday.com
Although teen use of Ecstasy has leveled off, most American adolescents see no great risk in experimenting with the drug, according to a study to be released Tuesday by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America.

• February 06, 2003 - KaiserNetwork.org
A new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that although more television shows are including sexual content, such programs are also including more mentions of "safer sex," abstinence and possible consequences of intercourse. Read the actual report here.

• February 06, 2003 - KaiserNetwork.org
A new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that although more television shows are including sexual content, such programs are also including more mentions of "safer sex," abstinence and possible consequences of intercourse. Read the actual report here.

• February 06, 2003 - KaiserNetwork.org
A new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that although more television shows are including sexual content, such programs are also including more mentions of "safer sex," abstinence and possible consequences of intercourse. Read the actual report here.

• February 06, 2003 - BBC News
Rap mogul Russell Simmons has announced plans for a possible hip-hop boycott of Pepsi products over the company's TV ad campaign featuring the Osbournes.

• February 05, 2003 - The New York Times
Prime-time shows are getting more permissive about sexual content. "One out of seven shows features sexual intercourse, either depicted or strongly implied... And I am counting `Jeopardy.' "

• February 05, 2003 - CNN.com
A new study shows that girls and young women may become addicted more easily than boys.

• February 04, 2003 - New York Times
Ireland is going to ban smoking in workplaces. Yes, this does include pubs too.

• February 04, 2003 - TurnerLearning.com
The most recent episode of the WB's 7th Heaven will focus on smoking and its effects. The WB network is allowing taping rights and free use of the program for the next year. They also offer free on-line education kits, including backgrounders, quitting tips, parents' guides, and other resources at the web site.

• February 04, 2003 - adage.com
In other Super Bowl ad news, researchers have ranked this year's Super Bowl ads by how much each ad is recalled by viewers. Comparing these results to that last story about which ads were best seems to prove that "well-liked" isn't necessarily "well-remembered".

• January 29, 2003 - USA Today
Anheuser-Busch gets this year's top rated Super Bowl ad. With a significant portion of super bowl ads sending pro-beer or anti-drug messages, the possibility of a mixed message being perceived by the millions of teens and children that watch the game seems pretty high.

• January 29, 2003 - mid-day.com
Popular television show 'The Sopranos' cited by teens who killed their mother.

• January 10, 2003 - Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
FCC is accepting public comment regarding their proposal to relax current media ownership rules. See what's being done about this issue and how you can prevent further concentration of the media.

• January 10, 2003 - Seattle Times
City may ask park users to snuff out cigarettes.

• January 07, 2003 - yahoo.com
Apparently, James Bond has resumed smoking in his latest movie. After quitting for 13 years, it seems the original international man of mystery is back smoking a cigar in the new movie.

• December 30, 2002 - AdAge.com
The 20 most effective TV ads of 2002. Celebrities top the list of the most remembered ads of the past year.

• December 17, 2002 - The New York Times (requires free registration)
A new study from the Center on Alcohol Marketing to Youth at Georgetown University found that alcohol advertising reaches underage youth. View the full report here (PDF).

• December 16, 2002 - National Institute on Drug Abuse
Results from the annual Monitoring the Future Survey of 8th, 10th and 12th grade students in U.S. schools indicate that use of marijuana, some club drugs, cigarettes and alcohol decreased from 2001 to 2002, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. Read more about it here.

• December 16, 2002 - USA Today
Internet filtering software can block kids from seeing nearly 90% of online pornography. But a new study shows that trying to block more results in less blocked pornography and more blocked health sites.

• December 16, 2002 - no-smoking.org
The City of New York could pass a new public smoking ban that would force even Phillip Morris executives to smoke outside.

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