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• July 18, 2006 - www.comercialfreechildhood.org
Coke No Longer a Social Choice;
TIAA-CREF Removes Coca-Cola from Socially Screened Fund

After a grassroots campaign led by the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Child (CCFC) and the Make TIAA-CREF Ethical coalition, the pension giant TIAA-CREF announced today that it had removed The Coca-Cola Company from its CREF Social Choice Account, the world’s largest socially screened fund for individual investors. The move comes after KLD Research and Analytics, a world leader in defining corporate responsibility standards, removed The Coca-Cola Company from its Broad Market Social Index (BMSI). As of December 31, 2005, the CREF Social Choice Account held 1,250,500 shares of Coca-Cola common stock valued at more than $50 million.

• July 14, 2006 - Washington Post
March 15 2009
HIV/AIDS Rate in D.C. Hits 3%

At least 3 percent of District residents have HIV or AIDS, a total that far surpasses the 1 percent threshold that constitutes a "generalized and severe" epidemic, according to a report scheduled to be released by health officials tomorrow.

That translates into 2,984 residents per every 100,000 over the age of 12 -- or 15,120 -- according to the 2008 epidemiology report by the District's HIV/AIDS office.
"Our rates are higher than West Africa," said Shannon L. Hader, director of the District's HIV/AIDS Administration, who once led the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's work in Zimbabwe. "They're on par with Uganda and some parts of Kenya."
"We have every mode of transmission" -- men having sex with men, heterosexual and injected drug use -- "going up, all on the rise, and we have to deal with them," Hader said.
Among its findings: Almost half of those who had connections to the parts of the city with the highest AIDS prevalence and poverty rates said they had overlapping sexual partners within the past 12 months, three in five said they were aware of their own HIV status, and three in 10 said they had used a condom the last time they had sex.
Together, the reports offer a sobering assessment in a city that for years has stumbled in combating HIV and AIDS and is just beginning to regain its footing.

• July 14, 2006 -
Up in Smoke: Tobacco and American Youth
Thursday, September 21, 2006

• July 14, 2006 -
Big Ten Networks Sign Alcohol Advertising Resolution
The Big Ten and Fox Cable Networks announced last week they are setting up a new national sports network -- The Big Ten Channel -- and the Big Ten has specifically prohibited beer ads from the channel. Commissioner Jim Delany is quoted as saying alcohol ads are not consistent with the Big Ten brand or the brand of the member universities and indicated that the ban on beer ads was the first issue the presidents in the conference put on the table.

• July 14, 2006 - The Seattle Times
Tobacco could kill a billion people, report says
WASHINGTON — Curbing tobacco use and taking other steps to eliminate some of the most common risk factors for cancer could save millions of lives over the next few decades, health officials said Monday.

• June 28, 2006 - Seattle Times
Surgeon general's dire new warning on secondhand smoke
WASHINGTON — Secondhand smoke dramatically increases the risk of heart disease and lung cancer in nonsmokers and can be controlled only by making indoor spaces smoke-free, according to a comprehensive report issued Tuesday by U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona.

• June 27, 2006 - Seattle Post Intelligencer
Where Do You Fit-in?
November 13, 2005
-Pizza is the top choice for take-out (chosen by 78% of Americans), followed by Chinese food (53%) and fast food (35%).
-Fruit has blossomed into the No.1 snack for adults (picked by 76%), followed by popcorn and ice cream. Kids go for cookies.
-Eliminating an entire food group from one's diet, such as cutting out carbs or fats, is now considered to be "unhealthy" by the majority (76%).
-Women still outnumber men as the primary food-shoppers in U.S. households (71% vs. 12%).
-In almost half of U.S. households, multiple diners are prepared at least once a week. The primary reason for such catch-as-catch-can cooking–-cited by 45%--is not that household members have "different tastes" but rather "different schedules."
-By and large, we brown-bag it: 44% of Americans bring lunch from home o eat at work.

• June 23, 2006 -
Grand Theft Auto Makers Settle
Charges with the FTC

Last summer, the National Institute on Media and the Family uncovered a pornographic mini-program, dubbed "Hot Coffee" hidden within the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. This sexually explicit game sequence was not disclosed to the rating board which gave the game an "M" rating, instead of the "AO" (Adults Only) rating it deserved.

• June 16, 2006 - Seattle Times
Smoke-free grads earn $500 reward
As he mourned his father's smoking-related death in 1995, Rob Hill looked to his former elementary school as a way to honor his dad.

He promised more than 100 fourth-graders over two years at Brookside Elementary in Lake Forest Park $500 each if they stayed tobacco-free until graduation. He called it The Smoke-Free 500 and set up a foundation in his father's name.

• February 03, 2006 -
Eating Disorders Awareness Week: February 26-March 4, 2006
Eating Disorders Awareness Week is a national observance
designed to enhance efforts to prevent eating disorders. This observance
directs attention to the serious damage and consequences that eating
disorders can have on a person's body and overall health. It also
focuses on the emotional issues that can deprive people with eating
disorders of a happy and productive life. The theme for this year's
observance is "Be Comfortable In Your Genes."

• February 03, 2006 - Campaign For A Commercial-Free Childhood & The Center For Science in the Public Interest
Parents and Advocates Will Sue Viacom & Kellogg
Lawsuit Aimed at Stopping Junk-Food Marketing to Children by Kellogg and Viacom's Nickelodeon.

• February 03, 2006 - The Center for Health and Health Care in Schools
Lawsuits to Target Beverages in Schools
Lawyers who successfully brought lawsuits against the tobacco industry for damage caused by tobacco products say they will file suit in Massachusetts next year against beverage companies who sell soda and other sugary beverages to students in schools.

• February 03, 2006 - The New York Times
Report Links TV Ads and Childhood Obesity
A federal advisory institution says that there is compelling evidence linking television advertising and the rise of childhood obesity in the U.S.

• February 03, 2006 - Institute of Medicine of The National Academies
Focus On Childhood Obesity
A new fact sheet is available that describes the role that government can play in preventing childhood obesity. The report also lists the role of advertising, marketing, and the media in creating and preventing the problem.

• February 03, 2006 - The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
How much emphasis should be placed on media literacy in the curriculum?
Find out how much importance those in the educational field placed on media literacy in schools. The results may either confirm your beliefs or surprise you!

• February 03, 2006 - Institute of Medicine of The National Academies
Institute of Medicine report, Food Marketing to Children and Youth: Threat or Opportunity?
How marketing influences children and youth is the focus of the IOM report. The report provides the most comprehensive review to date of the scientific evidence on the influence of food marketing on diets and diet-related health of children and youth. The study was requested by Congress and sponsored by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

• February 03, 2006 - The Wall Street Journal
$100 laptop soon to be a reality for schoolchildren in developing countries
Schoolchildren from Tunisia to Brazil will be soon get a chance to help bridge the digital divide. The project, overseen by a nonprofit organization called One Laptop Per Child, hopes to to place the laptop in the hands of 100 to 150 million students in developing countries.

• February 03, 2006 - Kaiser Family Foundation
Sex on TV 4
According to a new Kaiser Family Foundation study, the number of sexual scenes on television has nearly doubled since 1998. The study examined a representative sample of more than 1,000 hours of programming including all genres other than daily newscasts, sports events, and children’s shows. All sexual content was measured, including talk about sex and sexual behavior. Get the complete report about the state of sex on TV.

• February 03, 2006 - Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
2005 Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs Trends in Washington State report
Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drug Abuse Trends in Washington State-2005 is an annually published reference tool that can be used to measure progress in the state's effort to prevent and treat substance abuse. This year's report finds declining trends in adolescent drug and tobacco use. Click: "The Problem: Substance Abuse Prevalence and Trends" to find out more when you get there!

• February 03, 2006 - ABCNews.com
Movies heavily shape teen smoking, study shows.
A national study carried out by researchers at Dartmouth Medical School, described as the first of its kind, found that nearly 40 percent of teens try smoking because they saw it in the movies.

• November 19, 2005 - Seattle Post Intelligencer
Movie smoking has state officials fuming
Attorneys general from 32 states, including Washington, have asked movie studios to add anti-smoking messages to upcoming DVD releases featuring the unhealthy habit in response to new research showing that movie actors' smoking spurs youths to light up.

• November 05, 2005 - University of Washington
Exposure to Movie Smoking: Its Relation to Smoking Initiation Among US Adolescents
Objective. Regional studies have linked exposure to movie smoking with adolescent smoking. We examined this association in a representative US sample.

• January 19, 2005 - www.tabaccoprc.org
Don't Pass Gas. Take it Outside
The American Legacy Foundation and the Ad Council are launching a new public service announcement campaign "to educate Americans and especially parents about the dangers of secondhand smoke and motivate them to take
steps to create smoke-free environments for their families." The tag line is "Don't Pass Gas. Take It Outside." They're also releasing research results that find more than 13 million U.S. children are exposed to secondhand smoke
in their homes.

• January 19, 2005 - www.seattletimes.com
Teen drug use drops modestly
Fewer teenagers are smoking cigarettes or using illegal drugs, but a survery released yesterday shows a troubling increase in the use of inhalants by younger adolescents.

• January 19, 2005 - www.seattletimes.com
U.S. teens postponing sex. Contraception use increases. U.S. teenagers are waiting longer to engage in sexual intercourse and an overwhelming majority of those who are sexually active report using contraception, according to a comprehensive, well-respected government survey.

• January 19, 2005 - www.alliancecm.org
2005 Hometown Video Festival
entry deadline: February 16, 2005

The Hometown Video Festival honors and promotes community media and local cable programs that are first distributed on Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) access cable television channels. Awards are presented to creative programs that address community needs, develop diverse community involvement, challenge conventional commercial television formats, and move viewers to experience television in a different way.Each award winner receives a beautiful plaque that is inscribed with the name of the producer, title of the program, and the category for which it won. Also all winning entires will be listed in the "The Community Media Review" and on the Alliance web site..

• December 14, 2004 - www.kff.org
World AIDS Day: Survey Data & Fact Sheets
This year, the theme of World AIDS Day is women, girls, and HIV/AIDS and how gender inequity fuels the AIDS epidemic. To help illustrate the increasing toll HIV/AIDS is taking on women, Kaiser updated its fact sheets on "Women and HIV/AIDS in the U.S." and "The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States." They provide an overview and key trends, impact on specific groups, such as minorities, women, youth, and men who have sex with men, and the U.S. government response.

• December 14, 2004 - www.kff.org
KNOW HIV/AIDS Teams up with Hip-Hop Sensation Common to Promote HIV Testing
Viacom Inc. and the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation today announced the launch of a new set of public service advertisements (PSAs) featuring hip-hop artist Common, promoting testing as part of their Emmy and Peabody Award-winning KNOW HIV/AIDS public education initiative.

• November 29, 2004 - www.prnewswire.com
Nick News Talks With Kids Living With AIDS in a Special to Air on World AIDS Day
More than 14,000 kids in the United States are infected with the HIV virus, and more than 90 percent of the kids infected were born with the disease. For a kid growing up with HIV, the normal hassles of adolescence pale in comparison to the never-ending battle to stay alive. In Nick News Special Edition: "Living With AIDS: A Story of Three Kids", award-winning journalist Linda Ellerbee follows three kids living with AIDS -- Holly, Jordyn, and Ricky -- and listens as they tell the stories of their lives. The special airs on World AIDS Day, December 1, 2004, only on Nickelodeon.

• November 23, 2004 - www.reuters.com
FACTBOX-Key Facts and Figures About HIV/AIDS
A report from UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, released on Tuesday, shows the number of adults and children living with HIV reached 39.4 million in 2004. Click on the link above for some key facts and figures about the disease.

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