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• May 15, 2003 - The Seattle Times
Ads continue to pervade, as King County announces new advertising space in the form of 284 billboards in Marymoor Park, and on the pool-bottom of the King County Aquatic Center.

• May 15, 2003 - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Recent studies show that alcohol affects cognitive functions even after drinkers begin to feel sober. When comparing drinkers' cognitive reasoning abilities while at the peak of feeling intoxicated versus the subsequent descent to sobriety, the latter stage was shown to evidence the greater impairment to cognitive functions. Since spatial reasoning skills are especially susceptible to alcohol, this finding presents a further dilemma to drinkers who plan to drive upon sobering up.

• May 02, 2003 - MTV
"What are the different expectations for guys and girls? A survey by seventeen magazine and the Kaiser Family Foundation of more than 500 young people nation-wide shows that more than a third say there is a "double standard" for boys and girls today, when it comes to being sexually active. Even more (four in five) agree that parents have different expectations from their daughters and their sons. How far have we really come?" To read the full-length article, click here.

• April 30, 2003 - The Seattle Times
The US appears unlikely to sign a woldwide tobacco treaty. "Anti-tobacco activists and foreign diplomats say the U.S. demand is an attempt to water down the treaty to benefit tobacco companies or to unravel the agreement entirely."

• April 28, 2003 - The Olympian
The Olympian has an article detailing the latest user-friendly contraceptives.

• April 24, 2003 - The Seattle Times
A new bill bans the sale of video games to minors with violence against police officers.

• April 24, 2003 - The Seattle Times
A new study has found that religious teens may be more likely to avoid risky behaviors.

• April 24, 2003 - The Seattle Times
Nike case could rewrite the rules for of free speech for businesses.

• April 21, 2003 - commercialalert.org
An Oregon parent has filed a complaint in an Oregon circuit court, contending that the Salem-Keizer School District is violating the Oregon State Constitution by forcing his son and daughter to watch Channel One, a company that advertises to kids in schools through television.

• April 21, 2003 - CNN.com
Video war games have seen a surge in popularity ever since the start of the U.S. war on Iraq.

• April 16, 2003 - The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Crash victims who have alcohol in their systems suffer worse injuries than those who have not been drinking, according to a new study.

• April 15, 2003 - The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
In a further development of the Altria/Philip Morris case mentioned earlier, Altria/Philip Morris have made there yearly payments due to the states on time.

• April 15, 2003 - Seattle Times
Researchers have found a link between mothers who drink during pregnancy and alcoholism in the children later in life.

• April 15, 2003 - The Advocate
Viacom is considering expanding its HIV/AIDS awareness program overseas. Viacom have set up a website at www.knowhivaids.org for this initiative, and are linking popular television shows with the program.

• April 08, 2003 - Seattle Post-Intelligencer
In a new tobacco settlement for false advertising of light cigarettes in Illinois, a judge has ruled that Altria (Philip Morris) must post a $12 billion bond. This could bankrupt Altria/Philip Morris, and cut off $53 million due to come to washington this year.

• April 08, 2003 - The Seattle Times
Smoking is now banned in New York City bars.

• April 01, 2003 - BBC News
Smoking bans could prevent heart attacks. For six months last year, Helena, Montana banned smoking in public places. The incidence of heart attacks fell nearly 60%.

• March 24, 2003 - Seattle Times
The Citizens Campaign for Commercial-Free Schools (CCCS) says that Seattle Schools have not yet complied with a 15-month-old ban on advertising messages on vending machines.

• March 17, 2003 - Seattle Times
The debate over TV reality romance shows continues...

• March 17, 2003 - AdAge.com
Miller Brewing Co. is taking raunchy marketing to a new extreme with a new crop of sex ads.

• March 12, 2003 - Health Central.com
In an interesting study of twins, where one abused stimulants, and the other did not, researchers have found "evidence of long-term residual effects of stimulant abuse".

• March 12, 2003 - health-news.co.uk
In contrast to the recent Washington State findings,
children in Britain are more likely to experiment with smoking and live with someone who smokes now than they were 20 years ago.

• March 12, 2003 - BBC News
New evidence shows that second-hand smoke might contribute to the development of cavities in children's teeth.

• March 11, 2003 - The Seattle Times
A new study shows that fewer kids are smoking and drinking in Washington State.

• March 10, 2003 - The Seattle Times
Both boys and girls who watch a lot of violence on television have a heightened risk of aggressive adult behavior including spouse abuse and criminal offenses, no matter how they act in childhood, a new study says.

• March 05, 2003 - Bloomberg.com
Philip Morris USA, the biggest U.S. cigarette maker, is considering moving headquarters to Richmond, Virginia from New York to save recently renamed parent Altria Group Inc. money.

• March 05, 2003 - Associated Press
Washington State legislators are considering a public smoking ban. Read more here.

• February 27, 2003 - Citizens Campaign for Commercial-Free Schools
The Citizens Campaign for Commercial-Free Schools has an interesting and informative newsletter available in pdf format. Dowload the newsletter here.

• February 27, 2003 - Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Nearly two-thirds of those surveyed favor a total ban on smoking inside public spaces, according to a poll commissioned by an alliance of anti-smoking organizations. "The only demographic group that didn't support this was the people who smoke," he said.""

• February 27, 2003 - HealthNews.co.uk
Doctors are launching a new website that is dedicated to providing reliable facts about tobacco and its health risks.

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