Home TRIO Quest Awards 2008 Media Quest Awards PhotoEssay Awards TRIO ThinkQuest Awards

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New Program Awards


Award(s) Institution & Program State

TRIO ThinkQuest Best Site from a New Program

Pidgin Website
" Pidgin (Hawaiian Slang)"


PhotoEssay Semifinalist
Crimes of Silence"

TRIO ThinkQuest and PhotoEssay Completion Commendations for all others

Leeward Community College,
Upward Bound



Media Quest Gold Award



TRIO ThinkQuest Quarterfinalist
" Ancient Rome"

PhotoEssay Completion
Commendations for all others

Wichita State University,
Communication Upward Bound

Media Quest Semifinalists

"Cambodian Genocide"
Special Feature: 30 Seconds

& "Free Tibet"
Special Feature: 30 Seconds

University of San Diego
Upward Bound

PhotoEssay Semifinalist
"Who am I? AIDS"


PhotoEssay Completion
Commendations for all others

Rochester Community and Technical College
Upward Bound

PhotoEssay Semifinalist
"My Branches"


PhotoEssay Quarterfinalists
"Life is a Game of Chess 1"

& "Life is a Game of Chess 2"


PhotoEssay Completion
Commendations for all others

Wichita State University,
Upward Bound Math/Science

TRIO ThinkQuest Semifinalist
"Rogue Nations: The Danger of Nuclear Proliferation"


PhotoEssay Completion
Commendations for all others

Arizona State University,
Upward Bound


TRIO ThinkQuest Semifinalists
"Guam Public Schools' Reality Check"


& " Guam's Marine Environment"

University of Guam,
Talent Search & Upward Bound