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Killing Games

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 Overview | Alleged Torture | Rape | Killing Games | Other

Shooting Targets: Both Young and Zheng allege that in order for the Japanese soldiers to train in combat they would use the Chinese soldier prisoners. They would shoot from faraway at a long distance to test how well they shoot from long distance.
Bushido: Some of what occurred is alleged by Young and Zheng to be related to Japnese culture, for instance, the Samurai art of “Bushido.”  One requirement for polishing “Bushido” skill is having a sword and a victim. It is claimed the Japanese soldiers may have been influenced by this tradition in their general behaviors.

The Killing Contest: According to Young and Yin, there was a killing competition between Japanese soldiers and generals on whoever was the first to kill 100 Chinese. It is claimed there were two Japanese generals who exceeded killing 100 Chinese people.




Iriye, Akira. Horrors in the East. London: Laurence Rees., 2001.

Young, Shi., and Yin, James. The Rape of Nanking. Chicago, Illinois: Innovative Publishing Group, INC, 1997.