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Project Overview

Project History

Current Stage

Survey Instruments

Current Stage

At present, the UW-BHS project is conducting a ten year follow up survey of the Class of 2000. The ten year follow up survey aims to re-interview students originally interviewed in 2000 as high school seniors. While the senior survey focused on students' home life, high school career, and future educational plans, the ten year follow up survey will explore the transition into young adulthood. The ten year follow up survey focuses on the key components of young adulthood: educational attainment, early career and work history, family and partnership formation, civic engagement, and health statuses. The survey is being administered primarily as an online survey, though respondents will have the option to complete the survey over the phone with an interviewer. The information obtained in the ten year follow up combined with the senior survey and the one year follow up survey will provide researchers with very valuable data on the 21st century's first generation of young adults.

Over the next five years, the UW-BHS research team is planning to conduct ten year follow up surveys of the Classes of 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005. 

Ongoing analysis of data from the baseline and one-year follow up surveys has yielded many interesting findings resulting in multiple publications and presentations. Examples of papers written by the UW-BHS team are available here.


Please direct questions and comments to charles@uw.edu