Call for Papers

Conception and Consumption
University of Washington
Graduate Conference for Interdisciplinary Studies

May 8-9, 2008
Speaker: Lois Zamora

Bringing together contributions from the West Coast and beyond, this interdisciplinary graduate student conference seeks to examine the relation between conception and consumption.  By moving beyond polarized notions of genesis and eradication, we seek critical investigations of themes ranging from the production of ideas and their assembly into works, to their re-workings and applications throughout time and space.  Within the erratic global imbalance of material and textual fertility, creative and scientific traditions have been repeatedly contested by subsequent generations of excavators, shedding new light on obscured pasts and allowing for alternative trajectories for the future.  Revisiting the processes of conception and consumption will broaden perspectives on palimpsests, inspiration, society and the possibility of expressing agency. 

The graduate students of the University of Washington welcome papers on “Conception and Consumption” from all disciplines.  Given the interdisciplinary platform of this conference, candidates are encouraged to consider how their work can be situated within a wider academic discourse. 

Panels might include but are not limited to:

Presentations should be 20 minutes in length (8-10 pages MLA style).  Abstracts (250 words) should include full name, paper title, institutional affiliation and indication of preferred panel.  Panel proposals for 75 minute sessionApril 9, 2008bsp; Submission deadline is February 29th, 2008.  Abstracts should be sent to