Call for Abstracts

New Submission Deadline: May 31, 2014

To submit an abstract online, go here.

The program for NeuroFutures will provide a forum for interaction between engineers, clinicians, people in academia, industry and clinical domains to explore how neurotechnology innovations in neuroimaging, brain mapping, neurophysiology, big data analytics, brain computer interfaces and neuromodulation help enable life-changing medical treatments and transform our understanding of systems.

Conference Format

NeuroFutures will feature a variety of types of presentations: talks, posters, demonstrations. Invited speakers will give featured presentations in plenary sessions. Some poster abstracts may be selected for oral presentation if the schedule permits.

Plenary lectures: Invited presentations by prominent scientists.
Lightning talks: Poster presenters will have one minute to summarize their posters.
Interactive sessions: Poster/demo and exhibit sessions. Presenters are encouraged to demo their work and have handouts available, to allow in-depth discussion.

Author Attendance

At least one author of each paper or poster must register and attend the conference in order to be listed in the conference program as a presenter. Authors will have the opportunity to edit an originally-submitted abstract before it is published in conference proceedings.

On-line Submissions

Detailed preparation instructions are below. The on-line submission site will collect:

  • contact author information
  • names and affiliations for co-authors
  • abstract (text only) - 120 word maximum
  • title of presentation

Key Dates

  • First call for abstracts: February 19, 2014
  • NEW Deadline for abstracts: May 31, 2014
  • Standard registration ends: May 31, 2014
  • Conference: June 17-18, 2014


To submit an abstract online, go here.

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