Teaching Experience

  1. ARCTIC 400: Integrated Science and Policy in the Arctic
    The Arctic Ocean is examined as a geographic region containing indigenous populations' regions, as well the EEZs of the five nation states, all of whom participate in the Arctic Council, with a large open access region in the center, belonging to no nation. A complex web of interactions and jurisdictions affect exploitation for non-renewable resources, the harvest and conservation of renewable resources, the potential for shipping between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, the emerging status of the indigenous groups' rights to self-determination, and the recent admittance of the non-Arctic, Asian countries to the Arctic Council. NE Asia (containing the Russian Far East) as a future principle access or pathway to the Arctic Ocean, and thus Europe, is explored
  2. JSIS 495G: 2013 Task Force on Arctic Policy
    The 2013 Task Force on Arctic Policy is a joint program between the Canadian Studies and International Studies centers in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington (UW). This year's Task Force on the Arctic has received support from the Government of Québec and will focus on the northern policies of the Government of Québec and Inuit of Nunavik in northern Québec. The vision of the program is to bring UW students together with their Inuit colleagues in Canada to address effective ways to govern the international Arctic region.
  3. FISH 600/SIS 495C: 2011 Task Force on Arctic Sovereignty
    The 2011 Task Force on Arctic Governance is a joint program between the Canadian and Global Studies Centers in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington (UW) and the Makivik Corporation, Nunavik, Province of Québec, Canada as part of the UW and Makivik Corporation Educational Agreement Initiative. The vision of the program is to bring UW students together with their Inuit colleagues in Canada to address effective ways to govern the international Arctic region.
  4. FISH/QSCI 556: Mathematical Models in Fisheries Stock Assessment I
    Analytic approaches to stock assessment and population management applications of parent-progeny models and logistic models; biological and economic yields of natural populations; analysis of population data on computers. Recommended: Q SCI 292, 392, 456, and 483 or permission of instructor.
  5. QSCI 480: Statistical Sampling Theory for Biological Applications
    Theory and applications of sampling finite populations including: simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, ratio estimates, regression estimates, systematic sampling, cluster sampling, sample size determinations, applications in fisheries and forestry. Other topics include sampling plant and animal populations, sampling distributions, estimation of parameters and statistical treatment of data. Prerequisite: Q SCI 482; recommended: Q SCI 483. Offered: jointly with STAT 480; even years.
  6. QSCI 482: Statistical Analysis in Applied Research
    Analysis of variance and covariance; chi square tests; nonparametric procedures multiple and curvilinear regression; experimental design and power of tests. Application to biological problems. Use of computer programs in standard statistical problems. Prerequisite: either STAT 311 or Q SCI 381. Offered: AWS.
  7. SMA/FISH 480: Fisheries Management: Political and Institutional Perspectives
    Techniques and philosophy for conservation, management and development of harvested marine populations. Emphasis on integration of ecological, sociological, and economic dimensions of institutional decision making for policy formation in uncertain environments. Offered: jointly with ENVIR 480/SMA 480.
  8. Shark Biology and Conservation courses
    1. Fish 513: Conservation and Management: Sharks and their Kin (Aut. 2001)
    2. Fish 513: Conservation and Management: Sharks and Rays of the Puget Basin (negotiation of an international treaty between Canada and the U.S.) (Aut. 2002)
      A series of public discussions on the management of the transboundary dogfish fishery, as well as discussions about other elasmobranch species in the Puget Basin. Experts from U.S. and Canadian fisheries management, the East coast fishery, tribes, and industry participate. Open to the public; registration not required to attend.
  9. FISH 521: Scientific Method and the Philosophy of Science (past)