
Developing Country/Artisinal Projects | Ongoing Collaborations | Other | Graduate Research

Expanded Description

The following project descriptions refer to ongoing and very recent activities, and even a few for which proposals are in process:

1. Dogfish Sharks in the North Pacific Ocean

  1. Decision making for a transboundary [U.S. / Canada] and co-managed fishery. [completed thesis in SMA]
  2. Conservation and stock assessment for the dogfish fishery in the North Pacific Ocean: Risk analysis modeling and population dynamics.
  3. Biogeographic, genetic and demographic analyses of the dogfish in the North Pacific to Alaska. [with Lorenz Houser, SAFS].
  4. A symposium to explore the existing management policies for dogfish from both sides of Puget Sound (SAFS course Fish 513 Autumn 2002)

2. Salmon Sharks and Sea Lions in the North Pacific Ocean

This research project is defined to explore the relationships between the prospect that the declines in the sea lions populations are affected by the presence of salmon and / or sleeper sharks in the areas surrounding the Gulf of Alaska.

3. Six Gill Sharks

In conjunction with the Seattle and the Tacoma [Point Defiance] Aquaria and the Washington Dept of Fisheries and Wildlife, we are collecting and maintaining a data base on the six gill sharks that have begun to appear in Puget Sound in increasing numbers.

4. Sleeper Sharks

In cooperation with the International Pacific Halibut Commission we are examining the temporal and spatial relationships between the sleeper sharks caught as by-catch on the halibut longline fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean.

5. Atlantic Blue Sharks

The population dynamics of this shark involve trans- oceanic crossings of females to give birth in and utilize nursery areas in the eastern Atlantic and then returning to the western Atlantic to for parts of their adult lives. This study will utilize data bases from both sides of the Atlantic to build a more accurate image of the life history and estimation of demographic parameters.

6. Palombos (tollos) Sharks

This project on two species of Mustelus is carried out in the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica to learn more about the life history and ecology of this species for both conservation and management for artisanal fisheries carried out from the many local villages that surround the Gulf. [with Jorge Campos].

7. Salmon

We are examining the population dynamics of coho and Chinook salmon to the University of Washington hatchery. This hatchery has a long history and we are focusing on the time series of the last half century of releases and returns. [with Thomas Quinn, SAFS].

8. Creel Census

The National Park Service in Glacier Bay is interested in tourism catch from local residents fishing in federal waters. Part of this is to determine whether the catch from charter boats is at an acceptable level and to develop a long term monitoring procedure using appropriate indices.

9. Sharks and Their Image

The shark occupies a particular place in the minds and psychology of humans. Starting with writings from ancient Mediterranean societies to modern societies a special place remains. This special place has remained over the centuries and is essentially unchanged, even though it appears that society’s perceptions have evolved. Our project examines this psychological place. [with Marc Miller].

10. Spiny Lobster Fishery in Nicaragua

This fishery is shared by Nicaraguan federal government and the Miskito Indian tribes local to Hondorus and Nicaragua. This study involves the stock assessment and management policies for carrying out the fishery on a sustainable basis.[with Sergio Martinez and Jose Robletto].

Select Developing Country/Artisanal Fisheries Projects

  1. UNDP–USAID project in Nicaragua on Miskito Indian reserve. [1995]—Assist Nicaraguan management agency determine max sustainable yield for reserve stocks of spiny lobster and shrimp; carry out quantitative analyses for prospective fisheries on conch & crab; offer short courses on stock assessment; assist in the development of community based management framework to facilitate conservation and sustainable use of local resources as well as satisfy local communities of Miskito Indians.
  2. Eritrean Fisheries Management–Develop stock assessment and management plans for artisanal and foreign fleets; teach short course on quantitative stock assessment for Ministry of Fisheries [1994-95].
  3. Italian National Research Council (CNR). (1991)–Estimation of fishing effort and catch from the Adriatic Sea. Sampling designs
  4. Marine resource evaluation & development. UN Develop. Project. UNDP. Chile. (1992)–Instruct short course on stock assessment and Evaluate status of benthic mollusc culture (e.g., scallops, mussels, gastropods, lobster).
  5. USAID Stock Assessment CRSP as Principal Investigator. Costa Rica. (1984—1994)–Carry out necessary research to develop new methodologies and software for management of multi species-multi gear gillnet corvina & related fisheries.
  6. Evaluation of Peruvian upwelling resources under normal and El Nino-type regimes for prediction and mitigation of impacts. GTZ (Germany). (1987—1989).

Ongoing Collaborative Research


  1. Organizer of the workshop: Diagnostica y Perspectivas de Las Pesquerias Artesanales en America Austral (Chile–Argentina), Puerto Montt, Chile 1994
  2. Latin American Organization for the Management of Fisheries, Costa Rica (1990)–Teaching short courses on quantitative fisheries management in developing countries
  3. Organizer of two month short course: Curso Intensivo en Manejo de Perquerias, Seattle 1990
  4. Participating scientist, joint US-USSR whale marking and survey in SE Alaska, 1988
  5. Participation in N.Pacific Management Conference, Khabarovsk, Siberia 1985
  6. Consulting scientist with VNIRO (commercial fishing institute), MGY (university), Shirshova (oceanology) and IEMEZ (Acad. Sci. for ecology and evolution) 1976-80

*Grandfather for: Marphysa galluccii, family EUNICIDAE, a Subantartic polychaete