The University of Washington Geographic Information Service
at the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences


Washington State Parcel Database Metadata

Database Release Versions

2007 Washington State Parcel Database
Product Date Format ArcGIS Version Current Release File Name Licensing Level
v2007_r1 September 16, 2008 ESRI File Geodatabase 9.2 1 Government
v2007n_r2 October 10, 2008 ESRI File Geodatabase 9.2 2 Non-Commercial
2009 Washington State Parcel Database
Product Date Format ArcGIS Version Current Release File Name Licensing Level
v2009_e9.2_r1 April 8, 2010 ESRI File Geodatabase 9.2 1.2 Government
2010 Washington State Parcel Database
Product Date Format ArcGIS Version Current Release File Name Licensing Level
v2010_e9.2_r1 July 11, 2011 ESRI File Geodatabase 9.2 1.0 Government
2012 Washington State Parcel Database
Product Date Format ArcGIS Version Current Release File Name Licensing Level
v2012_e9.2_r1 June 11, 2014 ESRI File Geodatabase 9.2 1.3 Government


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