

Historic Tree Mapping




IKONOS-Based Juniper Extraction




Historic trees are one of the most tangible features remaining on the cultural landscape of the Wilson's Creek National Battlefield (WICR). To best manage this feature, spatial knowledge of the historic trees as well as the health, fuel load and juniper encroachment at the historic tree locations needed to be assessed. To facilitate this knowledge, a field campaign and IKONOS image analysis were undertaken in this project.

During the Fall 2003 and Spring 2004 field campaigns, data for 441 trees were surveyed and consisted of twenty-two species, as well as snags and unknown species trees. The majority of the trees are in good health, with relative low amounts of fuel accumulation and juniper encroachment. The project findings can contribute to future resource management decisions such as targeting zones for juniper removal and delineation of areas for fuel clearing prior to prescribed burning. Full discussion of the recommendations, additional and future research needed are listed in the "Recommendations" section of the report.

Site Geovisualization LULC Change Past and Present
  • Dr. Monika Moskal, (2003-2006) Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography, Geology and Planning, Missouri State University, currently faculty in the College of the Environment, School of Forest Resources, University of Washington
  • Dr. L. Michelle Bowe, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology, Missouri State University
  • Gary Sullivan, Chief of Resource Management at Wilson's Creek National Battlefield
  • Jennifer Haack, Graduate Student in the Department of Geography, Geology and Planning, Missouri State University and a GIS Specialist at the Wilson's Creek National Battlefield
  • David Martin, Undergraduate Student in the in the Department of Biology, Missouri State University
Download the final report (4MB)

Dr. L. M. Moskal @ UW RSGAL @ UW Wilsons Creek National Battle Field

This project was funded by National Park Service through the Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Units (CESU)
© 2003 - 2011 Dr. L. M. Moskal - Last updated on 07.01.11 19:23