An Inttroductory Guide to Intetractive Videoconferencing
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  Set Up Procedures*

Steps for videoconsultation:

  1. Call the consultant or agency to request a consultation.

    You have decided that you are interested in having a clinical or inservice telehealth services. It starts with a simple phone call.

    During the call, most consulting agencies will need basic information including name of patient and their parent/guardian if under the age of 18, date of birth, special needs which could include a translator and the reason for the consult.

    A site needs to be identified in your community where existing equipment and connections have been established along with a contact at each site. The agency you contact should have this information.

    During the initial phone call, you will have the opportunity to discuss any questions you may have regarding the telehealth process.

  2. Once the request has been confirmed:
  3. Set appointment time with consultant and patient.

  4. Conduct technical test connection.

    Generally consulting agencies will set up a test time prior to the consult to confirm that the systems are compatible and to alleviate any possible problems on the day of the actual consults. Technical coordinators from the consulting agency and the site where the consult will occur should coordinate this event.

  5. Conduct videoconsultation:
  6. After the consultation:
  7. Receive a written consult report.

  8. Arrange for any needed follow-up.


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*Procedure as followed at the University of Washington.



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