Education Logistics

One of the core missions of the AMP community is the promotion of interdisciplinary collaboration. To foster a cooperative culture, we encourage our students, faculty, and staff to share their knowledge and expertise through instructional workshops, outreach, and other educational activities. If you are planning an educational activity that would use the AMP Lab space, which aligns with the lab’s mission and would benefit our community, please follow the steps below.

1) New Workshop Request

To propose a new workshop please complete the Education Request Form. This form allows our team to evaluate the scope of an instructional session, alignment with the AMP Lab Mission, and resource/personnel requirements.

Access the AMP Education Request Form:

2) Approval from AMP Core 

Within two weeks of submitting your educational request, AMP directors will review your application and notify you with follow-up questions and/or approval. Please e-mail with follow-up questions.

3) Schedule AMP Lab Space and Equipment Use

After receiving approval you will need to submit the AMP Lab Space Use Request Form to schedule and reserve the space and equipment. Team leads will need to submit one of these forms before leading a new workshop (unless the workshop is recurring). Please note that research activities take priority within the AMP Lab for space use.

Access the AMP Lab Space Use Request Form:

4) Schedule Confirmation

The staff will review your request and will send a confirmation e-mail indicating that your use has been reserved on the AMP Lab Calendar. If conflicts arise, we will re-send the completed form with notes outlining alternative times. (Teams conducting grant funded research will receive priority.)

If you have questions or comments regarding these procedures, please e-mail