Clinical Ethics and Law: Case 2

Case Number: 

Surrogate decision-maker with potential conflict of interest
Case 2

A 32 year old woman was admitted to the Trauma Intensive Care Unit following a motor vehicle accident; she had multiple injuries and fractures, with several complications which continued to develop over the first couple of weeks. The patient rapidly developed Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome, was on a ventilator, and was continuously sedated. Shortly after the patient's admission, her parents were contacted and remained vigilant at her bedside. The parents reported that the patient was one month away from having her divorce finalized. The patient's husband was reportedly physically and emotionally abusive to her throughout their five years of marriage. The parents had not notified this man of the patient's hospitalization, and reported that a visit by him would be distressing to the patient if she were aware of it. The patient's soon to be ex-husband is her legal next of kin.

Should the husband be responsible for treatment decisions which the patient cannot make?22 
What are the ethical and legal parameters?



Case Discussion: 

Surrogate decision-maker with potential conflict of interest:
Case 2 Discussion

Some key clinical ethics and legal issues raised by Case 2 are informed consent and surrogate decision-making. While the details of each case will determine the advice provided, this case raises a number of issues.

Specific clinical ethics and legal issues

As mentioned above,23 implied consent is permitted by law for provision of "emergency" medical treatment. However the relevant state’s law does not define the term “emergency.”24 Each institution should have a policy that defines emergency in accordance with state law and lays out institutional documentation requirements so that providers are guided in their decision-making.25  Thus, if a medical emergency exists and implied consent is relied on by the health care providers, it should be documented in the patient's medical record in accordance with legal and institutional standards.

The patient may have provided her own consent to treatment either at the time of her admission or earlier in her hospitalization. At that time, she may have expressed her ongoing wishes for care. The patient's own previous statements/consent may therefore be the basis for continued consent for her ongoing care. If there is a need for informed consent for a new treatment decision on behalf of the patient, the patient's previously expressed wishes may still be relevant to her legally authorized surrogate decision-maker and her treatment plan.

If the patient already filed for divorce, it is likely that there is a temporary court order in effect and this order may affirmatively remove the patient's estranged husband from making medical decisions for her. Also, divorce paperwork may have mutual restraining orders which prevent both spouses from contacting each other. The patient's parents should be asked to provide the name of her divorce attorney. Hospital staff may contact the patient’s attorney to request information and to obtain copies of the relevant legal papers, which can then be placed in the legal section of the patient's medical record. Obtaining information is not a violation of patient confidentiality. It is also permissible for an attorney to provide information that is contained in public records, such as documents filed with a court.  With the husband thus removed as her surrogate decision-maker, it appears the patient's parents would become the highest level class of surrogate decision-maker and could provide informed consent for her care if the patient is unable to do so.

Even if the patient's husband remains as her legal surrogate decision-maker, his decisions on the patient's behalf are constrained by clinical ethics and legal standards. First, a surrogate is legally required to provide "substituted judgment" on behalf of the patient. This means that the surrogate must act in accordance with the patient's wishes. If substituted judgment isn't possible (i.e., unknown what the patient would want under the current medical circumstances), then the law requires the surrogate to act in the patient's "best interest." Since the medical team has significant input about what would medically be in the patient's best interest, a decision by a surrogate which doesn't adhere to this standard should not be automatically followed and may need to be reviewed by a clinical ethics consultant or committee, risk management, or legal counsel.

The patient's husband may be willing to waive his role as surrogate decision-maker. If this occurs, then he would agree to remove himself from the list of potential surrogate decision-makers and the next highest level surrogate decision-maker(s) would be contacted as necessary to provide informed consent for the patient.

Another option may be for the patient's parents to file in court to become the patient's legal guardians for health care decision-making

Bioethics Topic: