Lab News

We love celebrating the many accomplishments of our lab members here. Behind each of these accomplishments are a lot of setbacks and smaller successes along the way. In acknowledgement of this, in our lab meetings, we also compile a version of Barbara Sarnecka’s Lab’s Rejection Collection.Thank you to her lab for the idea!

April 2023

Rachel Song was awarded a Population Health Applied Research Fellowship for the summer of 2023. She will be working on a project assessing migration and displacement in King County. Congratulations, Rachel!

May 2022

Kim Bourne was awarded a PDS Fellowship for the summer of 2022. Congratulations, Kim!

October 2021

Kim Bourne was awarded a Graduate Travel Award from SPSP. Congratulations, Kim!

June 2021

Dr. Levine received a Royalty Research Fund grant from UW! Congratulations, Dr. Levine!

April 2021

Kim Bourne has received a Sarason Fellowship for the summer of 2021. Congratulations, Kim!

March 2021

Congratulations to graduate student Rachel Song, who was awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, and graduate student Kim Bourne, who was awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention!

Congratulations to Liza Moore, who was awarded a Mary Gates Fellowship for her honors thesis work!

September 2020

New Graduate Student in our lab!

We welcome Rachel Song, a new graduate student in our lab!

November 2019

Dr. Levine as a guest speaker for General Studies 297!

As part of Health and Risk theme for a freshman seminar, our Primary Investigator, Dr. Cynthia Levine, was invited as a guest speaker to introduce Health Psychology. In her talk, she gave an overview of her work in our Psychology Department, and presented the current research that CDH Lab is doing. Her talk helped freshmen to learn more about different types of Psychology areas and piqued the interest on psychological research. Hence, Dr. Levine received many positive feedback from freshmen who attended the talk. Well done and congratulations, Dr. Levine!

September 2019

New Graduate Student in our lab!

Our lab welcomes Kim Bourne as one of our graduate students for UW Seattle’s Psychology Department! Get to know her from our people page! Congratulations Kim! We look forward to work with you and we wish you all the best for your future work with us!