
Research in our lab focuses on how social and cultural factors affect important life outcomes, such as health and well-being. A lot of the lab’s work focuses on identifying what factors promote health among people from diverse cultural, racial, ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic backgrounds and on using this knowledge to understand and address health disparities. Current projects investigate:

  • What types of day-to-day experiences affect college students’ sleep? Are college students from underrepresented or marginalized backgrounds more likely to have day-to-day experiences that undermine their sleep duration and quality? 
  • When do K-12 schools say that they value diversity, and do schools that say they value diversity also institute equitable policies and practices that truly support students from diverse backgrounds?
  • Does gentrification change the culture of neighborhoods in a way that makes people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds feel less welcome there? What are the consequences of these changes for outcomes such as political engagement or health?