He pushes us through crowded walkways, past shouting vendors, ducking through soccer games, and across constant flows of traffic. Bushwhacking rush-hour, I follow him into the middle of the road, and absorb the moment — a bus almost hits me as it tries to change lanes, dipping into the incoming cars in the process. We cross […]
Author Archive | Ariel Vardy
Creating a New Hay Roof – Fewnugol
Fewnugol means “to make” in Fulani. This picture was taken in a neighbor’s compound. The hay roofs need to be replaced every other year. They completely keep the water out, as the hay directs the rain to follow a shaft down the side of the hut. After two years the hay starts to rot and […]
Amidst a Pulaar Wedding – Tradition Rising
This wedding took place in Sabe, Guinea, across the border from Senegal. I had been living with Guineans who had crossed the border to find a better life in Senegal, but many villagers hiked back to Guinea for special occasions and celebrations. Ariel VardyI spent a year in the southern region of Senegal as a […]