PVT-Touch is a touchscreen version of PVT implemented on Android. We have evaluated four different touchscreen input techniques for PVT and found that for smartphone users, the familiar touch down technique is comparable to the physical button used in traditional PVT for several measures associated with sleepiness and was preferred by a majority of participants. We have also conducted an initial validation study of PVT-Touch against PVT-192, finding a high correlation in scores (r=0.902). This work was funded by the former Intel Labs Seattle and the National Science Foundation.
Downloading PVT-Touch
PVT-Touch is free for personal use or non-commercial research use. If you would like to use PVT-Touch in a study, please fill out this form or contact Matthew Kay (mjskay@uw.edu) for a more information.
PVT-Touch currently supports:
- Customizable interstimulus intervals / foreperiods
- Customizable test lengths
- Customizable deadlines
- Multiple input techniques (touch down, finger lift, finger tilt, and physical button)
- Integration with some experience sampling systems for automated data downloading (MovisensXS, ohmage).
An older version of the PVT-Touch code is available upon request, but is not the version that has been validated, and does not support the features listed above.
Matthew Kay
Nathaniel Watson
Michael Grandner
Jared Bauer
Kyle Rector
Jacob Wobbrock
Ben Greenstein
Sunny Consolvo
Rebecca Lang
Julie Kientz
- Kay, M., Grandner, M., Bauer, J.S., Lang, R., Watson, N.F., and Kientz, J.A. (2013). Initial validation of an Android-based psychomotor vigilance task, in Sleep 36: Abstract supplement, A108.
- Kay, M., Rector, K., Consolvo, S., Greenstein, B., Wobbrock, J. O., Watson, N. F., & Kientz, J. A. (2013, May). PVT-touch: adapting a reaction time test for touchscreen devices. In 2013 7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare and Workshops (pp. 248-251). IEEE.