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Stacey Meeker , Ph.D.
Acting Instructor

Department of Comparative Medicine
School of Medicine
University of Washington
Seattle, WA

P: 685-3758

Stacey Meeker received her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from The Ohio State University in 2010 and began a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Washington in the Department of Comparative Medicine the same year. While completing her residency focusing on Laboratory Animal Medicine and Comparative Pathology, Dr. Meeker is also pursuing her PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology under the mentorship of Dr. Lillian Maggio-Price and Dr. William Grady.

Research Interests

Dr. Meeker’s research interests focus around inflammation-associated colorectal cancer and mouse models that can be used to better elucidate the mechanisms linking inflammation and cancer. She is particularly interested in evaluating the chemoprotective effects of vitamin D in several mouse models of colorectal cancer.

Selected Publications and Presentations

The Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in the Regulation of Follicular Development in Lambs. Stacey Moritz, Joseph Ottobre, and Douglas Danforth. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. The Ohio State University May 2005.

PGF2α inhibits VEGF Expression in the Corpus Luteum in the Mid but not Early Luteal Phase of the Sheep Estrous Cycle . Stacey Moritz, Douglas R. Danforth, Laura K. Arbogast, Ann C. Ottobre, and Joseph S. Ottobre . Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. The Ohio State University May 2006.

Regulation of Angiogenic factors by PGF2 in the ovine corpus luteum. Douglas Danforth, Stacey Moritz,Teresa Nguyen, Laura Arbogast, Ann Ottobre, and Joseph Ottobre. Biology of Reproduction July 1, 2007 vol. 77 Meeting Abstracts 175.

High dietary Vitamin D3 decreases gut inflammation, dysplasia, and tumor incidence with a differential effect in Helicobacter bilis versus DSS-induced disease in Smad3 -/- mice. Stacey Meeker, Audrey Seamons, Piper M Treuting, Jisun Paik, Thea Brabb, and Lillian Maggio-Price. AICR Annual Research Conference. Washington, DC November 3-4, 2011.

Dehydration, Lethargy, and Dyspnea in a Leptin Deficient Transgenic Mouse. Stacey Meeker, Denise Newsom, Brian Iritani, Piper M Treuting and Lillian Maggio-Price. 62nd AALAS National Meeting. San Diego, CA October 2–6, 2011

Chemopreventative Effects of Vitamin D in a mouse model of inflammation associated colon cancer. Stacey Meeker, Audrey Seamons, Jisun Paik, Thea Brabb, Piper M Treuting, and Lillian Maggio-Price. 62nd AALAS National Meeting. San Diego, CA October 2–6, 2011

Department of Comparative Medicine
Magnuson Health Sciences Building
Rooms I-402 to I-472, Box # 357340
Seattle, Washington 98195-7340
phone: (206) 543-8047
fax: (206) 685-3006

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