Charlotte at NCSACharlotte and I are starting data collection for our NSF study on Leveraging Development Expertise Across Cyberinfrastructures (OCI-083860). This grant grew out of a realization about projects we were studying in medical research, biology, engineering, and the humanities: even though our focus was on what was going on inside these projects, much of the development work spanned multiple projects. Our participants told us about “leveraging” and “synergies” in a way that suggested that these were important aspects of their work, not just buzz-words. This new grant will allow us to think about what is happening at the organizational level to support work across multiple cyberinfrastructures. This week we are beginning our first round of interviews at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. NCSA was one of the original NSF Supercomputer Centers, and has been at the forefront of scientific computing for decades. Today is our first day on site, and we are already really excited about what we’re learning!