How do we cooperate through computerized tools? How does computerization change the way we interact with our workmates and our friends? How does computerization change the way science is done? This research group will look at particular instances of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) to understand aspects of how our lives as social beings interweave with our technology-filled world.

This research group will focus on topics in Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Some of the group will be doing preliminary research on the social aspects of online calendar sharing while the rest of the group will be rolling up their sleeves to assist with analyzing data sets comprised of interviews. Data sets that need to be analyzed may include interviews with biologists, ecologists, bioinformaticists, computer scientists, engineers, and hobbyist collectors. As students will be working with actual interview research data, discretion is a requirement for participation.

Students with experience coding qualitative data, a background in social science or biology, skilled at analyzing texts, interested in the social study of science and technology, experience submitting IRBs, or who are Google Calendar users are particularly encouraged to apply. This research group will meet once per week during the Spring 2009 quarter on Tuesdays from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. Students interested in this research group should email Charlotte Lee with a brief description of their interest in the projects and a description of their various skills. Participants in this research group will enroll for 2-4 credits (CR/NC) through TC 596 (for graduate students) or TC 496 (for undergraduate students).