The Apple iPad Is Finding Big Success In Schools…Is That A Good Thing?

Apparently the Apple iPad stands to become the replacement for those bulky printed textbooks that kids have to lug around. This New York Times article has some particularly interesting and illuminating quotes on the benefits of the iPad as a textbook replacement. For example: “The iPads cost $750 apiece, and they are to be used in class and at home during the school year to replace textbooks, allow students to correspond with teachers and turn in papers and homework assignments,…

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Presenting on E-readers at World Usability Day 2010 and Microsoft HCDE Alumni event

Alex Thayer, CSC Lab member, recently gave two presentations on the Lab’s study of students’ use of e-readers. For World Usability Day at Microsoft, Alex presented “Supporting Students’ Reading Practice through E-reader Interfaces,” which focuses on how people build cognitive maps of the texts we read. You can view a photo of the presentation here.  Over 100 people were in attendance for the talk, and a number of excellent follow-up conversations occurred as a result of this presentation. Later that…

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CSC Lab at ACM GROUP 2010 Conference

The Computer Supported Collaboration Lab (CSC Lab) presented two research projects at the 2010 ACM Group conference in Sanibel, Florida, November 7-10. The two projects were accepted to the conference based on submission of extended abstracts and were presented at an interactive poster session. Work by Linda Hwang, Pallavi Damera, Linda Brooking and Charlotte P. Lee on “Promoting Oneself on Flickr: Users’ Strategies and Attitudes” was presented by Linda Hwang. Work by Pausali Sen, Irini Spyridakis, Silvia Amtmann, and Charlotte…

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Prof. Charlotte Lee Awarded Google Research Award

CSC Lab is pleased to announce that Google Inc. has awarded a Google Research Award of $70,000 to Prof. Charlotte Lee for her proposal, written with assistance from PhD student Alex Thayer, entitled: “Investigating the Role of Online Calendar Use in the Cultivation and Maintenance of Relationships”.  Thayer, Katie Derthick, and Lee will be conducting this work over the 2010-2011 academic year.

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Futures of the Book – NPR story

I found this story interesting but not necessarily visionary when it comes to seeing the future(s) of the paper book.  For example, I still think hardcover books will go the way of vinyl records in terms of finding a niche audience willing to collect them and pay for their intentional scarcity.  The article is worth reading regardless….

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New exemptions to law on copyright and technology

Buried deep in this article, which mainly discusses how iPhones can be legally unlocked, was this tidbit: “In addition to jailbreaking, other exemptions announced Monday would…allow blind people to break locks on electronic books so that they can use them with read-aloud software and similar aides.” I find this quite interesting, in part because the government is recognizing that some of the copyright protections that companies have put in place actually hinder legitimate uses of content.  Similarly, this tidbit also…

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Visit Us:

CSC Lab is located in “Studio 425” with two other labs in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering on the fourth floor of Sieg Hall in room 425.


For general inquiries please e-mail:
Dr. Charlotte Lee
cplee – at – uw dot edu

Mailing Address:

CSC Lab Campus Box 352315
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195

© 2017 Computer Supported Collaboration Lab, University of Washington | Seattle, WA