
Lee receives NSF Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (ACI) Award

Director Charlotte P. Lee recently received an award from the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (ACI) division. The award funds the three year research project Scientists and their Software: A Sociotechnical Investigation of Scientific Software Development and Sharing. This research project will examine how scientists develop and share Scientific Cyberinfrastructure Software (SCIS) as part of their day-to-day research practice through a qualitative, ethnographic study of six research groups at the University of Washington. Understanding SCIS development and sharing is necessary to ensure…

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Rolland and Lee receive NIH grant to study coordinating centers

CSC Lab Member Betsy Rolland and Professor Charlotte Lee have received an award in the amount of $185,866 from the National Institutes of Health for their proposal “The Role of Coordinating Centers in Collaborative Cancer-Epidemiology Studies.” Granted through the Epidemiology and Genetics Research Program of the National Cancer Institute’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, this project will investigate how different types of coordinating centers support multi-institutional cancer-epidemiology research projects. Rolland and Lee will focus their investigation on coordinating…

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CFP: Supporting Scientific Collaboration Through Cyberinfrastructure and e-Science

Scientific collaboration using cyberinfrastructure (CI), or e-Science, is forward facing. e-Science projects aim to support the collaboration of research communities, whether by facilitating distanced collaboration or sharing data and computational resources. The most ambitious e-Science projects are creating entirely novel scientific fields, anticipating and actively cultivating new scientific communities and practices. Such endeavors present original challenges to researchers in CSCW fields: questions of large-scale technology development, of supporting communities in addition to groups, and of long-term sustainability.

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Data Collection Begins

Charlotte and I are starting data collection for our NSF study on Leveraging Development Expertise Across Cyberinfrastructures (OCI-083860). This grant grew out of a realization about projects we were studying in medical research, biology, engineering, and the humanities: even though our focus was on what was going on inside these projects, much of the development work spanned multiple projects. Our participants told us about “leveraging” and “synergies” in a way that suggested that these were important aspects of their work,…

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Visit Us:

CSC Lab is located in “Studio 425” with two other labs in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering on the fourth floor of Sieg Hall in room 425.


For general inquiries please e-mail:
Dr. Charlotte Lee
cplee – at – uw dot edu

Mailing Address:

CSC Lab Campus Box 352315
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195

© 2017 Computer Supported Collaboration Lab, University of Washington | Seattle, WA