Permeable paving

Hinman, Curtis and Puget Sound Action Team. Low-Impact Development Manual for Puget Sound. Olympia, WA, 2005. 

City of Seattle Green Stormwater Infrastructure Resources:

The Porous Paving Research of Elizabeth Adam, Jennifer Hefferan, and Suzanne Carey, Green Technology Research, Landscape Architecture Department, UW,2005

City of Olympia. 1995. Impervious Surface Reduction Study, Final Report. Olympia Public Works   Department, Olympia, Washington.

City of Seattle. 2000. Treatment Technical Manual. Seattle Public Utilities/DCLU. Seattle,   Washington.
Craul, Philip, 1994. Reducing Soil Compaction. Landscape Architecture, Vol. 84, and No. 12: 34.
Interlocking Concrete Paving Institute 1995-1999, Specs 1-11

Thompson, William and Sorvig, Kim, 2000. Sustainable Landscape Construction. Washington   D.C.: Island   Press, 2000.

United States Environmental Protection Agency, Storm Water Technology Fact Sheet, Porous   Pavement, EPA   832-F-99-023, September 1999

United States Environmental Protection Agency, Field Evaluation of Permeable Pavements for   Stormwater Management, Porous Pavement, EPA-841-B-00-005B, October 2000