
There are several system designs for recirculation aquaponics systems, based on different hydroponic techniques. 

When the system is in balance, fish and plant crops can be obtained without the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides. 

Necessary components:

  • Tray
  • Tank
  • Fish: the type of fish depends on the climate which will surround the aquaponic systems and therefore the temperature that the grower is able to maintain.  Most commercial systems culture tilapia because it is resilient against fluctuations against dissolved oxygen levels, temperature, pH and dissolved solids.
  • Good water quality must be maintained for optimal growth conditions and fish health; regular water quality testing is essential for regulating temperature, dissolved oxygen and ammonia; salinity, phosphate, chlorine and carbon dioxide.

Description: Aquaponics-Design 26.jpg

  • Fish feed: different feeding allowance for different sizes of tilapia; see below:

Description: Aquaponics-Design 29.jpg

  • Plants: many types of plants can grow in this system.  Applicable to the Pacific Northwest are herbs, lettuce, spinach, swiss chard, cabbage and kale.  A lack of fruity stage keeps nutrient requirements consistent, resulting in a more reliable harvest.
  • Pump

Optional components:

  • media
  • vermiculture
  • additional pumps
  • heating device