Case studies  
Wind power is used today all over the world in various settings, landscapes and uses. What follows are some brief descriptions of wind power applications.
  • The eastern part of Indonesia is fairly dry and only one rice crop is possible each year. Reliance on rain-fed cropping patterns has kept farm incomes low and impeded socio-economic development in the region. In an effort to increase agricultural productivity and increase rural incomes, the Ministry of Public Works initiated an irrigation project using 1.5 kilowatt wind-electric water pumps.
  • At Altamont Pass in California, the Pacific Gas and Electric utility has constructed the world's largest wind farm. The farm covers approximately 54 square miles, but the low density of turbines leaves plenty of space for the traditional use of the land-- grazing.
  • The fishing village of Xcalac has had intermittent access to electric power from diesel generators for a number of years. Because of problems maintaining a stable supply of fuel, however, the village was often without power. Extending the utility grid 110 kilometers to reach the village would have cost US $3.2 million, which was prohibitively expensive. A hybrid system was able to meet the needs of the village for about $450,000.
  • Communication equipment provides vital links between remote stations, such as McMurdo Station in Antarctica, and the rest of the world. This equipment requires a reliable source of electric power, and often one that can tolerate extreme weather conditions.