Case studies  
There are many cities that are making strides in the LEED program. These include Portland, Oregon, Austin, Texas and here in Seattle, Washington. The City of Seattle is one of the leaders in using the LEED program. The city has adopted the LEED program and set the silver standard as a target for the level of sustainability in new and renovated city programs and facilities. Additionally, the city has developed guidelines that supplement the US Green Building Council standards. These extra guidelines are more specific and appropriate to the conditions of the Pacific Northwest climate and resource issues. Additionally, the city is encouraging the use of LEED standards by offering incentives through public utilities for commercial and residential projects.  
The following is a list of the city's LEED projects in progress: Seattle Justice Center, Seattle City Hall, McCaw Performance Hall, Seattle Central Library, Southwest Precinct building, Key Tower remodel, Cedar River Treatment Facility, Fisher Festival Pavilion at Seattle Center, North Cascades Environmental Learning Center, Combined Training Center for the Seattle Fire Department and the Seattle Public Utilities, and the South Recycling and Disposal Station office building. An example of a current project that is striving for the LEED silver standard is the Civic Center in downtown Seattle. The Civic Center will include the library, justice center, municipal building, and city hall. Some of the buildings will have green roofs that have water collection for irrigation or toilet flushing. Other elements that qualify under LEED standards are natural daylighting, thermal buffering of windows, bicycle storage and showers, close to public transportation, use of recycled materials, plant salvage of existing plants.  
Justice Center
City Hall