UW Medicine Dean's Report 2002 University of Washington UW Medicine UW School of Medicine

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Faculty Honors

2001-2002 School of Medicine Awards

Each year the graduating medical school class honors four faculty members for excellence in teaching and mentoring. The students also present the Margaret S. Anderson Award to the faculty or staff member who demonstrates outstanding concern for, and support of, medical students. In addition, the medical school annually recognizes faculty members who contribute significantly to the lifelong learning of practicing physicians through UW Continuing Medical Education.

2002 Distinguished Teacher Awards From Graduating Class

Erika Goldstein, associate professor of medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine. She also received the UW-wide Distinguished Teaching Award for 2002.

Kaj Johansen, clinical professor of surgery

George Novan, clinical associate professor of medicine and site coordinator for the medicine clerkship in Spokane

David Saunders, professor emeritus of medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology. With this, his fourth election as Distinguished Teacher, he has become a Teacher Superior in Perpetuity.

2002 Margaret S. Anderson Award

Constance Lamb, School of Medicine registrar

2002 Outstanding Continuing Medical Education (CME) Faculty Award

Edward Walker, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, associate dean of the School of Medicine, and medical director, UW Medical Center

2002 Outstanding CME Course Chair Award

Hubert Vesselle, assistant professor of radiology

2002 UW Medicine Dean’s Report Honors List

Faculty honors received as of June 30, 2002:

Nobel Prize

Edmond H. Fischer
Leland H. Hartwell
Edwin G. Krebs
E. Donnall Thomas

Lasker Award

Leland H. Hartwell
Bertil Hille
Leroy E. Hood
Edwin G. Krebs
Belding H. Scribner

Institute of Medicine Members

Paul B. Beeson
Alfred O. Berg
William A. Catterall
John D. Chase
Mickey S. Eisenberg
Neil J. Elgee
Joseph W. Eschbach
John P. Geyman
James W. Haviland
Maureen M. Henderson
Bertil Hille
John R. Hogness
King K. Holmes
Thomas F. Hornbein
Albert R. Jonsen
Mary-Claire King
Seymour J. Klebanoff
George M. Martin
Arno G. Motulsky
Robert G. Petersdorf
Paul G. Ramsey
Roger A. Rosenblatt
Cornelius Rosse
Belding H. Scribner
Alvin J. Thompson
Robert L.Van Citters

National Academy of Sciences Members

Joseph A. Beavo
Paul B. Beeson
William A. Catterall
Earl W. Davie
Robert Eisenman
Joseph Felsenstein
Clement A. Finch
Stanley Fields
Edmond H. Fischer
Stanley M. Gartler
Eloise R. Giblett
John A. Glomset
Philip P. Green III
Mark T. Groudine
Sen-itroh Hakomori
Leland H. Hartwell
Bertil Hille
Leroy E. Hood
Seymour J. Klebanoff
Edwin G. Krebs
Arno G. Motulsky
Eugene W. Nester
Maynard V. Olson
Richard D. Palmiter
E. Donnall Thomas

Alpha Omega Alpha Distinguished Teachers

Steven R. McGee
Douglas S. Paauw
Cornelius Rosse

University of Washington Distinguished Teachers

James J. Champoux
Peter B. Detwiler
Erika A. Goldstein
Daniel O. Graney
Terry J. Mengert
Douglas S. Paauw
C. George Ray
Cornelius Rosse
Robert A. Steiner
Marvin Turck
Christopher Viney
Nicholas G. Ward
Bonnie Worthington-Roberts

School of Medicine Teachers Superior in Purpetuity

Robert Cohn
Michael K. Copass
W. Patrick Duff
Brian Goodell
Daniel Graney
Steven R. McGee
Douglas S. Paauw
Thomas A. Preston
William O. Robertson
Cornelius Rosse
David R. Saunders
John Van Loon Sheffield
Fred E. Silverstein
Rosalind Troupin

School of Medicine Outstanding CME Teachers

Benjamin O. Anderson
Daniel Berg
John P. Geyman
Julie R. Gralow
Mika N. Sinanan
David H. Spach
Eric Vallieres
Hubert J. Vesselle
Edward A. Walker
Douglas E. Wood

Holders of Endowed Chairs

Thomas J. Montine
Nancy and Buster Alvord Endowed Chair in Neuropathology

S. Paul Herndon
Thomas Bradley Armstrong Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiology

Edwin W. Rubel
Virginia Merrill Bloedel Chair in Basic Hearing Research

George A. Gates
Virginia Merrill Bloedel Chair in Clinical Hearing Research

Dennis C. Turk
John and Emma Bonica Chair for Anesthesiology and Pain Research

Richard L. Page
Robert A. Bruce Endowed Chair in Cardiovascular Research

David R. Eyre
Ernest M. Burgess Endowed Chair for Orthopaedic Investigation

Alan M. Weiner
Earl W. Davie/ZymoGenetics Endowed Chair in Biochemistry

Stephen Benirschke
Jerome H. Debs II Chair in Orthopaedic Traumatology

Stephen H. Petersdorf
Endowed Chair in Cancer Care

Douglas E. Wood
Endowed Chair in Lung Cancer Research

Leonard D. Hudson
Endowed Chair in Pulmonary Disease Research

J. Russell Geyer
Evans Family Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cancer

F. Bruder Stapleton
Ford/Morgan Endowed Chair in Pediatrics

Robert Waterston
William Gates III Endowed Chair in Biomedical Sciences

Ted S. Gross
Sigvard T. Hansen, Jr., Endowed Chair in Orthopaedic Traumatology

Carlos A. Pelligrini
Henry N. Harkins Endowed Chair in Surgery

Irwin Bernstein
John R. Hartmann Endowed Chair in Pediatric Oncology/Hematology

Steven E. Wilson
Grace E. Hill Endowed Chair in Vision Research

Joseph S. Gruss
Marlys C. Larson Endowed Chair in Craniofacial Surgery

David Dichek
John L. Locke Jr. Family Endowed Chair in Cardiovascular Research and Treatment

Bruce R. Ransom
Warren and Jermaine Magnuson Endowed Chair in the Neurosciences

Paul H. Lange
Wilma Wise Nelson, Ole A. Nelson, and Mabel Wise Nelson Endowed
Chair in Urology

John E. Olerud
George F. Odland Endowed Chair in Dermatology

William J. Bremner
Robert G. Petersdorf Endowed Chair in Medicine

Douglas S. Paauw
Rathmann Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Patient-Centered
Clinical Education

Richard G. Ellenbogen
Theodore S. Roberts Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neurosurgery

Sum Lee
Cyrus E. Rubin Endowed Chair in Medicine

Sidney Gospe
Herman and Faye Sarkowsky Endowed Chair in Child Neurology

Gordon A. Cohen
Sam and Althea Stroum Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery

Ake Lernmark
Robert H. Williams Endowed Chair in Medicine

Holders of Endowed Professorships

Frederick P. Rivara II
George E. M. Adkins Endowed Professor in Pediatrics

Sterling K. Clarren
Robert A. Aldrich Endowed Professor

Alan Chait
Edwin L. Bierman Professor in Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition

Judith A. Turner
Hughes M. and Katherine G. Blake Endowed Professor in Health Psychology

Bryan Sires
Boyd K. Bucey Memorial Professor in Ophthalmology

Edward D. Verrier
K. William Edmark Professor in Cardiovascular Surgery

John Harlan
Clement A. Finch, M.D., Endowed Professor in Hematology

Christine A. Gleason
Alan Hodson Endowed Professor in Pediatrics

William Curtis
Lester and Connie LeRoss Endowed Professor in Cardiovascular Surgery

John B. Coombs
Theodore J. Phillips Endowed Professor in Family Medicine

Bonnie W. Ramsey
Bonnie W. Ramsey Endowed Professor in Cystic Fibrosis

Sharona E. Gordon
Jules and Doris Stein Research to Prevent Blindness Professor

Daniel L. Silbergeld
Arthur A. Ward Professor in Neurological Surgery

Krzysztof Palczewski
Bishop Professor of Ophthalmology

Other Endowed Chairs and Professorships

Belding H. Scribner Endowed Chair in Medicine

Douglas T. Harryman II/DePuy Endowed Chair in Shoulder Research

Ray Hill Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology

Lawrence A. Mack Endowed Professorship in Radiology

Medic One Foundation Chair for Pre-Hospital Emergency Care

Cheng-Mei Shaw Endowed Chair in Neuropathology

Trauma Surgery Endowed Professorship

Endowed Chair for Women’s Sports Medicine and Lifetime Fitness

Arra and Eva Woods Endowed Professorship

Peter Wootton Professorship in Radiation Oncology