We're excited to announce that DYSS 2024 will be held in person!

Calling young scholars!

Showcase your research and practice your job talk before you take the next step in your career—apply to present a one-hour seminar during summer 2024 at the University of Washington, hosted by the graduate students of the Departments of Chemical Engineering and Molecular Engineering and Sciences.

Who's eligible?

We welcome applications from students who are near completion of their doctorate (must be graduating by June 2025), and postdoctoral scholars, who have not yet accepted their first permanent positions. Eight scholars will be chosen by a committee of UW Chemical Engineering and Molecular Engineering and Sciences graduate students.


We will arrange for you to fly to Seattle where you will have the opportunity to present a one-hour seminar on your research, and meet with UW professors and graduate students. The top seminar speaker chosen by the graduate students at UW will also receive a $500 cash prize. As of 2019, only speakers external to UW will be eligible to win this prize.

Application tips

A graduate student panel in the Chemical Engineering and Molecular Engineering & Sciences departments at UW selects the speakers using criteria adapted from the National Science Foundation’s Review Criteria. Here are some tips:

  • Ensure your abstract is understandable and interesting to a broad audience of engineers not necessarily directly in your field of research.
  • Though space is limited, figures or images in the abstract are encouraged.
  • Presentations or other activities that indicate speaking prowess are more important than low (< 2nd) author papers.
  • Personalized and specific letters of recommendation are ideal.
  • Please read the DYSS Review Criteria for more information.

Important dates

April 1, 2024 — Applications open
May 13, 2024 — Full application deadline
Early June — Decisions finalized and deadline for speakers to accept offer
June - August — Seminar presentations



More info!

The DYSS summer series is in its 14th year and is nationally recognized as a one-of-a-kind platform for young researchers to shine. The Chemical Engineering department at UW created DYSS to provide professional development to chemical engineers across the country and foster future leaders in chemical engineering and academia.

A journal article on the DYSS was published in Chemical Engineering Education.

Speakers from previous years include many rising stars in research.

To apply

Please use the application form available here and submit all required materials.


Please email us!  dyss@uw.edu

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