All posts by Emily Jantz

Woodblock print editions from the Qing dynasty: Kanxi era

Eleven rare woodblock editions published between 1662 and 1722 (the reign period of the Qing dynasty Kanxi Emperor) were discovered and cataloged at UW as part of this CLIR project. Here are a few examples:

欽定篆文六經四書 (Qin ding zhuan wen liu jing si shu)

《欽定篆文六經四書》 七冊
清康熙[1662-1722] 北京內府刻本

“Confucian classics in seal characters, authorized by imperial order” (7 volumes)
Compiled by Li Guandi under imperial auspices
Published in Beijing between 1662 and 1722
Woodblock printing



韋齋集 (Weizhai ji)

《韋齋集》 十二卷, 四冊

“Collected works of Weizhai” (12 chapters in 4 volumes)
By Zhu Song (also known as Zhu Weizhai)
Published in 1710 by Zhu Changchen
Woodblock printing



温飛卿詩集 (Wen Feiqing shi ji)

《温飛卿詩集》 四冊

“Collected poems of Wen Feiqing” (4 volumes)
By Wen Tingyun (also known as Wen Feiqing)
Published between 1697 and 1722; publisher unknown
Woodblock printing

Zhijia Shen & Jing Liu Present at CLIR Symposium (2015-03-12) UPDATE

Cover of "Innovation, Collaboration and Models", Proceedings of the CLIR Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives Symposium, March 2015
Cover of “Innovation, Collaboration and Models”, Proceedings of the CLIR Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives Symposium, March 2015.

In March, 2015, Project Co-PIs Zhijia Shen and Jing Liu presented at the CLIR Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives Symposium, the capstone event to the seven-year Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives program, funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The two-day symposium and unconference brought together more than 180 participants, including many past and current grant recipients.

The proceedings of the symposium—in which more than 20 symposium presenters examine inter-institutional collaboration, student and faculty involvement, cataloging, arrangement and description, audiovisual collections, science collections, and outreach—have now been published.  The full report is available for download or viewing online at  Or directly view the paper by Zhijia and Jing, entitled “International Collaboration to Reveal Rare Chinese Materials Hidden for Half a Century”, at

歷代繼統紀年總錄 (Li dai ji tong ji nian zong lu)


“Complete chronology of successions through the ages”
Written by Tang Yu
Published in 1800
Movable-type edition, printed from wooden type
6 volumes

Li dai ji tong ji nian zong lu


This book uses an annalistic style. It enumerates in chronological order the important events in Chinese history from the purported creation of heaven and earth by Pan Gu to the fall of the Ming dynasty.

This appears to be a unique edition, and one that was never copied by later writers.  Moreover, it was printed using wooden movable-type, making it an extremely rare and fascinating string-bound book.

Item description and Chinese explanation by Boyue Yao; English translation by Xinyi Xu, edited by Emily Jantz.

莫高窟六字真言碑 (Mogao ku liu zi zhen yan bei)


“Mogao Grotto Six Syllable Mantra Stele” (Rubbing, modern)
By Shoulang
Stele erected in 1348, now held by the Dunhuang Academy

This rubbing is from a stele that was erected by Shoulang under the order of the Xining King Sulaiman (fl. 14th century). The stele was inscribed by Shelanlingzhan, and is now preserved in the Dunhuang Academy. The three Chinese characters mo gao ku on the top part of the stele stand for the Mogao Grotto. A portrait of a four-arm Guanyin is in the center, around which are inscribed a six-syllable mantra in six scripts: Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese, Tangut, Phagspa, and Mongolian.


Pictures from the CLIR Site Visit on October 30, 2015

各省官兵花名冊 (Ge sheng guan bing hua ming ce)


“Muster Rolls of Various Provinces”
Produced between 1821 and 1850
10 volumes

Ge sheng guan bing hua ming ce


This is a nationwide muster roll of the officers and soldiers of the Qing dynasty’s Eight Banners army. The year is unknown, but presumably it was written around the period of the Daoguang Emperor. It is an extensive counting and registering of the members of the military at that time, recording everyone’s names and posts. According to this, we can know the distribution, structure, and scale of the Qing army at that time, which makes this book of great historical value.

Item description and Chinese explanation by Boyue Yao; English translation by Xinyi Xu, edited by Emily Jantz.

貴州百苗圖 (Guizhou bai Miao tu)


“Hundred Figures of Miao Minorities in Guizhou”
Anonymous painter from the Qing dynasty
Published between 1821 and 1911
Woodblock printing (multi-color)
1 volume

Guizhou bai Miao tu
Sample page from “Guizhou bai Miao tu”


This book depicts nearly one hundred male and female figures from the Miao ethnic minority groups living in various parts of Guizhou Province. On the back of each picture is a detailed textual description. This information is precious and has great academic value.

The illustrations are colorful, bright, and vivid, displaying impressive and meticulous artistic technique. Unlike most editions of the “Hundred Figures of Miao Minorities in Guizhou” collected domestically in China, this edition is not hand-painted.  Instead, the illustrations are colored using a quite technologically advanced multi-color woodblock printing technique. Thus this edition, held by UW, is quite valuable.

Item description and Chinese explanation by Boyue Yao; English translation by Xinyi Xu, edited by Emily Jantz.

甲午大吉詩編 (Jia wui da ji shi bian)

甲午大吉詩編一卷 續編一卷

“A Collection of Jia Wu Da Ji poetry”
Written by Xu Jiao, et al.
Published in 1894 in Hangzhou
Woodblock printing
1 volume

A collection of more than one hundred heptasyllabic quatrains, all composed in acrostic poetry form, celebrating the birthday of Empress Dowager Cixi and eulogizing the good auspices of the jia wu year (1894).

Item description and explanation by Boyue Yao, edited by Emily Jantz.

Zhijia Shen & Jing Liu Present at PRRLA (2015-10-20)

CLIR Project PI Zhijia Shen and Co-PI Jing Liu gave a presentation about the project at this year’s annual conference of the Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance (PRRLA).  The conference was held in Eugene, Oregon, from October 19-21, 2015, and had the theme Greater Together: PRRLA Libraries at the Network Level.

Their presentation, entitled “Collaboration to Reveal Hidden Treasures at PRRLA Libraries: UW-UBC CLIR Project on Chinese Materials”, focused on our project’s collaborative nature.  It addressed issues and challenges facing the collaborative work, such as those of working with policies, laws, and regulations of different countries; shared what was learned in terms of project planning and management, resource sharing, staff exchange and training between the two institutions across national boundaries, and with academic libraries in China; and demonstrated how international collaboration can optimize libraries’ capacity and resources to accomplish difficult tasks, and how we become greater when putting our efforts together.

Click to view the slides from this presentation.