
The UW Medicine Learning Technologies & Infrastructure team provides instructional design resources to meet the needs of the UW Medicine community. This site is a resource for UW Medicine clinical educators, developers, and staff to learn about creating training program and courses as well as general information about the design and development of training at UW Medicine.

General Instructional Design and Training Program Support

Getting Started Checklist: If you need a training program, this checklist will help you prepare.

Summary Reference Documents: These are additional tools and reference documents that may help you in developing your training program.

Learning Hub Information

The UW Medicine LMS was upgraded in May of 2019. The system is now called the Learning Hub.  For more information on this upgrade, please review the following links:

Learning Hub: This will take you directly to the Learning Hub.

Learning Hub Upgrade Summary: This is a general overview of the new look and feel.

Learning Hub Job Aids: Step-by-step instructions for learners and managers.

Learning Hub Upgrade FAQ: This FAQ addresses general questions about the upgrade.