- Choose a problem or question for study.
- Propose a hypothesis.
- Devise an experiment to test the hypothesis.
- Prepare necessary materials and conduct experiment.
- Record observations, analyze results and propose new hypothesis.
- Propose additional experiments to test new hypothesis.
- Introduce the topic the week before you plan to begin experiments. 30 minutes
- Require students to research possible topics for their experiments. homework
- Assign lab plan to include problem, hypothesis and procedure. homework
- Review problem, hypothesis and procedures for each lab group. 5-10 minutes/group
- Set up experiment, gather materials and make solutions. by arrangement with each group
- Conduct experiment. 1-5 days, Day 1 = 45-50 minute period, succeeding days a part of each period.
It is estimated that a very high percentage of pregnancies in humans end in the first weeks of development before a women even realizes that she is pregnant. In sea urchins, development can also go awry and environmental factors appear to play a large role. Pollution from a wide variety of sources can interfere with normal development, as can temperature, lighting, oxygen levels, pH, and agitation. The Environmental Protection Agency, in fact, uses sea urchin development as a measure of environmental pollution in a locality.
Important: if you are seriously considering doing experimental work with sea urchins, finding the minimum sperm to egg concentration is important. There are many factors affecting fertilization, but you will miss many of these effects if the sperm concentration is too high. A high enough concentration of sperm can sometimes fertilize an egg that would not normally fertilize, by counteracting or overcoming the experimental environmental conditions. As mentioned earlier, if the sperm concentration is too high you will get abnormal development because of polyspermy, which may be an effect independent of what the experiment was about. see the Sperm Dilution lab.
Also, students need to understand the concept of dilution of their "toxics". See Simple Dilution and Simple Dilution 2.
- Urchin Kit
- Microscopes
- Pollutants: copper sulfate, wood pulp (boil some sawdust in water and save the liquid), insecticides, detergents, bleach, etc.
- pH paper or meter, thermometers, UV light source, etc.
This is highly experimental and can be a lot of fun. It is best if the students design their own experiments within the available materials. Give them a few days to come up with ideas and discuss it among themselves. You could assign groups to different environmental categories such as light, temperature, toxins, etc. to illustrate a variety of influences.
Possible effects to look for:
- Sperm motility (none, erratic, faster?)
- Ability to fertilize. Score as percentage of eggs with observable membranes compared to a control group. (sperm dilution needed? attachment? fertilization membranes?)
see Healthy and Toxic animations - Development (where does it go wrong? and what happens?)
see Normal and Polyspermy animations
Careful use of controls is essential. Concentration of the pollutants is important. Best if the concentration can then be related back to something in their own lives.
Example of a possible experiment:
- Start with the concentration of bleach in a wash load and do a serial dilution until no effect is observed. (concentration on bottle diluted into washer load)
- Check with your local water company and ask what the waste water volume produced in your community is for a typical day.
- Relate this to your observed results. How much bleach would be needed to make your communities waste water toxic due to bleach)
- Reports should include drawings, tables or graphs, any math used to determine concentrations and dilutions.
- Most of the experiments can very easily be expanded to an independent research project.
Similar scenarios can be developed for other environmental effects. These might include:
- Temperature - lower and higher than the ideal for each species.
- Salinity - higher and lower than sea water ( 1/2 to 2x)
- Oils and fuels - salad oil to diesel oils. Is the oil itself toxic or does it need to cover the container to cut off oxygen?
- Detergents - again start with a "typical" use level for a household activity and use serial dilutions to a non-toxic level. (as most of our wastes are diluted when going down the drain)
- Oxygen levels - place a known number of eggs in a determined width container (like a test tube). vary the height of the water level. The embryos will settle to the bottom. Oxygen levels at depths greater than 1 cm will be less than optimum.
- pH - us a pH meter or test paper to vary pH from 4-10. Small amounts of dilute hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide can be used to vary the pH. Does the pH of the solution change over time?
- Carbon dioxide - make your artificial sea water with sodium free seltzer water (keep stirring to a minimum as this removes the carbon dioxide from the water). Using varying proportions of the regular sea water and the seltzer sea water. What is the pH of the resulting solutions? How does this relate to the "green house" effect of higher carbon dioxide levels world wide?
- Other pollutants such as copper sulfate (used as a fungicide), wood pulp (boil some sawdust in water and save the liquid) and insecticides. Note: small quantities should be used!
- Two or more species. Would one have an advantage over another under proposed conditions?
See lessons on Simple Dilution, Simple Dilution 2 and Sperm Dilution
Every report will be different, but almost all will require math skills, especially in regards to dilutions of toxins.
You could easily spend an entire class period "debriefing" from this lab. The closer the experiments are to materials they will encounter themselves the easier it will be for them to see the implications. Almost every town has an industry of some sort. Using the possible pollutants from that industry can really open eyes. (even a tourist town uses gasoline, oil, detergents, etc.).
- Experimental design
- Relevancy to their own lives
- Active participation in carrying out experiments
- Lab Reports
- Conclusions & Implications