Global WACh

September 9, 2014

Interested in Global Health Law?

Calling all students! We have a fantastic Global Health Law course on our list of amazing courses. The course (Law H 515) is worth 3 credits and will examine the legal, economic, social, ethical, and political aspects of all things global health related. This is a great prelude to our Legal and Policy Solutions to Women, Adolescents and Children course, offered in the Spring

‘What is global health law? Why should rich countries such as the US care about and invest in the world’s least healthy people, particularly in difficult economic times? What are the challenges for the future of global health and global health governance? What would you (from the perspective of your home country) prioritize as pressing issues for global health?’

If you’re interested in learning more about this course you can contact the following individuals:

Jennifer Lenga-Long, JD
Phone: 206-713-2732

Teaching Assistant
Tanya Karwaki, JD, LLM
Phone: 206-616-0326

We also have a great, in-depth course description right here at this link.

Global Health Law – Law H 515 Fall