January 7, 2016
Breakfast with WACh with Dr. Christy McKinney
Christy McKinney PhD, MPH just joined Global WACh as part of our lecture series with an exciting presentation on The NIFTY™ Cup: A Neonatal Intuitive Feeding Technology for Infants who have Difficulty Breastfeeding in Low-Resource Settings.
Dr. McKinney is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Oral Health Sciences and the Academic Research Coach for the Division of Internal Medicine at the University of Washington. She received her MPH from Tulane University in 2002 and her PhD from the University of Washington in 2006, both in epidemiology. She is the recipient of an NIH Institute for Translational Health Sciences KL2 career development award, which she completed in 2014.
Her research areas include the etiology of oral clefts, feeding infants with breastfeeding difficulties, bisphenol A in dental materials, and the application of research methods in clinical contexts. She is the recipient of an NIH R01 to conduct a prospective cohort study to examine the extent to which children are exposed to bisphenol A during dental treatment. She is co-Principal Investigator of a recently awarded Saving Lives at Birth Grand Challenges grant award that involves evaluating the Neonatal Intuitive Feeding Technology (NIFTY™) cup in Ethiopia. In her role as Academic Research Coach she provides research methods and implementation guidance to over 30 faculty and 30 different research projects.
You can view her entire presentation below.